Ying Ying and Wei Chong
Photography: Yong How
Ying Ying and Weichong's wedding is another pretty happening one.
I got to know Ying Ying from Jude and Cleo's wedding late last year when she was the make up artist for Cleo. We didn't get to really talk to each other till the evening make up session when we chatted a little while Cleo went to change into her gown. That was when I knew that she's holding her wedding ceremony early this year. I'm glad that she had approached me to shoot their wedding.
I didn't get a chance to meet up with Wei Chong till the wedding day and we can hit off pretty well. Basically Wei Chong and his whole gang are so outspoken that I think they can hit off well with anyone.
One strong impression I have on their wedding is that it started off with balloons and more balloons in the morning followed by lots of crude jokes and crazy laughters through the day. Everyone seems to be so open about it. Haha.
Here are some images from their big day. ;)
White Balloons

Not enough balloons, no worries, they have a production team to make more balloons

Ying Ying and Wei Chong have to kiss for as long as the yum seng lasts...and it lasted for several minutes

Wishing everyone a good long weekend! :)
Yong How