Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Colin & Minz

Wedding Date: 23rd & 30th Nov
Photographer: CF

Apologize for the lack of updates on my side here. Its been a really hectic December for me as finally i managed to survive thru it, but with tons of backlogs.

I covered Colin and Minz wedding more than a month ago and finally their pics are about to be done. Yay.. Minz, bear with me awhile more as i do up your nice nice coffeetable album ok? :p

Meanwhile, here's some random pictures for both the day and dinner. :)

Plucking armpit hair is reaaaaaaally painful... -_-"

I think Colin looks like superman here! :D

We were blessed with fine weather at Amara Santuary.

Ringing the wedding bells

I always love happy tea ceremonies!

And i got a whole bunch of people shooting behind me. :)

Minz had one of the longest gown train i ever seen...

I like this moment when Colin's mum gave him a proud kiss...

Colin did a solo performance on stage which moved Minz to tears.

And a duet after that...

Its been an incredible 2008 for us at 1950. I would like to thank everyone whom have trusted their most important day of their lives into our hands/cameras. And we will certainly strive to do better in the coming years.

Here's wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2009!

ChuianFeng (

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Melvin and Siew Pei Morning Highlights

Wedding Date: 28 Dec 2009
Photographer: Yong How

Melvin and Siew Pei's wedding marks the end of my shooting schedule for 2008. I'm glad that I've came through this whirlwind december period and at the same time feeling the sense of fulfilment knowing that it's a good year for 1950 and myself. Many thanks to all the couples who had been very supportive of us all these while. :)

Melvin and Siew Pei are a pretty interesting couple and I like their sincere yet straighforward approach to people. Also, I somehow like the way Siew Pei 'nudges' Melvin when he does something not to Siew Pei's liking. I had quite a number of chances to see Melvin as he's a doctor at the polyclinic that we bring my boy for all the checkups. We'll normally request to Melvin to examine my boy. From these encounters, we have since become like friends.

Here's the morning highlights that I've done for them. I've toyed around a little by adding some video clips into this as well. The video parts are not that polished but I feel that it still adds some fun into the show.

Tip to grooms: When you are asked to sing a love song to your bride during gatecrash, you either sing it real good or you sing it real bad. Either way, you'll impress. Haha.

Hope you'll like the slideshow.

Click here
to view morning highlights.
Password: 1950

Yong How

Thursday, December 25, 2008

What a way to end the Xmas Eve....

What a way to spend the Xmas eve by shooting an awesome wedding ceremony and dinner with bangra dance...even the Ah Ma joins in the fun...

Merry Xmas everyone! :)

This one's dedicated to you, Shalini and Sumeet. Just for fun. :)

Yong How

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A happy accident & Merry Xmas!

When i entered into the house, this kid was blocking the way. So i asked him to excuse himself so that the bride and groom can come in.

But, kids have this natural "k-po-ness" (kay-po-ness)

He pop his head from the side to sneak a preview of the couple. I managed to snap it. I like the picture, it kinda adds another dimension and story to the photo. :)

I know i havent been posting regularly as i should have. Been packed with shoots and backlogs. Will post more soon. Promise!

Thank you all for the continued support to us this year and here's wishing you guys a merry xmas!

ChuianFeng (

Monday, December 22, 2008

Yuk Kei and Seng Guan

Wedding Date: 4 Oct 2008
Photographers: Yong How and Darren

Yuk Kei and Seng Guan are one of our closest customers turned friends we have so far. We had actually covered their solumnisation to pre wedding to their AD over the past 1 over year.

Yuk Kei is a like very close friend to us and we often share thoughts and talk crap over MSN frequently. I think she probably knows more of what I'm doing in 1950 more than my own wife sometimes. Haha.

I've been looking forward to their wedding day as I believe it'll be one with lots of emotions, fun and love. I'm proven right when all their friends and relatives (many from abroad) were there even early in the morning to give their blessings. The grooms men and the bridesmaid were equally fun to be around too.

I'll always remind my couples to do their best to enjoy their wedding as much and to 'close an eye' if possible to things which may not go their way on the wedding day. Well, Yuk Kei did have to close an eye throughout her wedding as she has an infected eye in the morning. Rather unfortunate but kudos to her for bearing with it and still remain as cheerful as ever. Seng Guan on the other hand is one candid guy but beneath his candid nature lies a loving husband. There are many little gestures that he'll always do for Yuk Kei throughout the day that shows all that. I'm really happy that they've finally went through their customory wedding to move on to the next big stage of their lives as man and wife.

My heartfelt congrats to you, Yuk Kei and Seng Guan.

Here's the slideshow I've promised you though it came a little late. Hope both of you will like it. ;)

Yong How

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A few randoms

Here's a few random quick edits from Irene and Bernard's wedding today. It's been a long time since I get to shoot as the 2nd photographer. :)

Yong How

Monday, December 15, 2008

Guan Yu & Connie Pre-wedding

Photographers: CF and Yong How

Connie told us that she wanted a rustic and different feel from our normal style of pre-wedding. After seeing a few photo samples, i have roughly in mind what to deliver.

A part of the shoot was done in the construction company store room beside our office. It had a very rustic and very different kind of feel.

We wanted to try to document this shoot in video, so we used a very low end compact digital camera to do some video recording. After which, i edited the video, added in a few photos from that day, and here is it... :D

Guanyu and Connie from CFsayshi on Vimeo.

Hope you guys like it. :D

ChuianFeng (

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jimmy & Shirley

ROM Date: 22 Nov 2008
Photographer: Darren

Jimmy and Shirley is one of the out-spoken couple i have known. Shirley mention about the ceremony being held outdoor. Too bad the weather started to rain when it's about to begin, so we have no choice but to shift indoor. I was actually quite disappointed cause I just love to shoot outdoor.
Although I met Jimmy on the day itself, his character makes me feel comfortable and i enjoy every moment covering it. And he sure can drink a lot.
Jimmy and Shirley, hopes you guys love the photos.

Guess what, the flowers ended up on my head!

And the little girl got it... from the floor!

Cheeky dad...

Ok, I know I haven't been posting much. Been occupied with work, as well as personal stuff, as my house been renovating for the past 2 weeks.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Technology woes

Somehow I can relate to this clip. Reflects very much on my struggle to decide whether to spend a bomb on the new Canon 5D Mk2 with 21MP and Digic4 processor or to just stay on with my current workhorse camera.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ken and Mindy

Wedding Date: 6 Dec 2008
Photographer: Yong How

Ken and Mindy's wedding is the 2nd wedding I've covered within the 3 days.

Pretty much worn out after a full day of pre wedding shoot for a hyper couple with Chuian Feng today. Gonna talk less here...

Here's the morning highlights slideshow from Raw images for Ken and Mindy's wedding.

Please click here to view slideshow.

Yong How

Jude and Cleo

Wedding Date: 5 Dec 2008
Photographer: Yong How

It was one of the toughest weekends that I've got since 1950 started having to cover 3 weddings in a row. 2 of which requires me to work continuously from early morning till dinner ends. However, I'm very fortunate to have all 3 couples to be so nice to be with and it definitely makes each shoot a nice experience in the end.

The mum of one of the brides also asked me how I can remain so cheery the whole day even after working for so long. I can only say that it's passion and sense of belonging to the wedding.

Thank you to all 3 couples...Cleo and Jude, Ken and Mindy, Jianming and Casey.

Here's a super express morning highlights which I've done within 1.5 hours for Cleo and Jude on their wedding day. All the images are raw and unedited. There are some minor glitches which I couldn't iron out in time too but I'm glad that they like it still. :)

Click here to view the slideshow.

Thanks Darren for being there to assist too.

Yong How

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I now pronounce you husband and wife...

From yesterday evening...
I now pronounce you husband and wife...

You may now kiss the bride :D

ChuianFeng (

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Would you guys want to try something like this?

Its a hectic weekend for us as we are having a small wedding marathon. While waiting for the computer to backup today's wedding, here's something from yesterday.

The big lorries were just inches away from them as it zoom past them. When i was shooting this picture, my head and camera was on the ground and i could feel the ground trembling due to the weight of the lorry passing beside my head.

Would you guys dare to try something like this? :p

Click on it for a larger view.

ChuianFeng (

Friday, December 5, 2008

Kids - The mind of their own

From today's wedding...

The relatives each made a decorated page with their blessings to the bride and binded them into a booklet. I must say that all are wonderfully made and it's really nice to see them putting in such effort. What caught most of our attention was a page from the bride's 8 year old brother.

My vague impression on the conversation between bride and her brother.

Bride: "Hey! How can you phrase it like that? What happens after I get married?"

Brother: "That's life ma...."

Bride and myself: "...."

Kids are so chim nowadays...

2 more days of marathon shoot to go. Heading to bed. :)

Yong How

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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