Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tianguo & Jenny Part 2

Photographer - CF

Flight TJ99

That is the theme for the night banquet. Everything was set around the concept of a travel theme due to their love for travel. They have setup very nice counters to display all their travel photos. No wonder Jenny told me she took a week to prepare all the details. :)

Here's some randoms for the evening.

They had a very nice ROM held at the poolside of the crown plaza hotel before the banquet.

The theme was so consistent from "checking-in" to "boarding-now" signages.

Before marching in, the emcee asked the guest to fold the paper aeroplanes.

And aeroplanes were flying all over during their march-in.

Jenny prepared a surprised video childhood montage clip for Tianguo.

After the table-rounding toasting, Tianguo barely make it for the guest sending off.

P.S. Photos for the day can be found here

ChuianFeng (

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Was popping into a few blogs while having my breakfast this morning and stumbled upon this post in Anna Kuperberg's blog.

I think the speeches are really inspiring especially during a lower time like now.

Here's Steve Job's speech at one of the graduation ceremonies which I like. Hope this makes some good 'breakfast' for the brain for you too. :)

Yong How

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Jasmine and Robin

Photography: Yong How

Jasmine and Robin's wedding is another nice and sweet one. It's also pretty amazing that despite having to go through the usual schedule of gatecrashing, chinese traditional house hopping for tea ceremonies, the morning program actually ended at 10.30am. I thought my watch went cuckoo when I checked the time after their last bit of morning program and double checked with the clock in Jasmine's home.

I'm also very grateful that everyone tried their best to take care of me even though I'm on the job. Even little gestures like making sure I get a share of the fan (it was a hot day) makes me feel like wanting to go an extra mile too.

Thank you Jasmine and Robin. :)

Here are another few selections from their morning highlights. As usual, more can be found on our Facebook profile. ;)

Yong How

Mavis and Ho Meng

Photography: Yong How

Apologies for the slow blog updates again. It's been a pretty whirlwind period for me with lots of shoots lined up for the past week or so. Now my tired legs and sore toes are giving a sigh of relieve for the short break. :)

Ho Meng's wedding was documented just over a week ago. I was pretty surprised to receive their enquiry just a few weeks before their wedding day too but was glad that they decided to engage me. It took little time for us to warm up with their bubbly personalities and I knew it'll be great to document their big day.

Here are some random selections from their wedding day morning highlights. More can be found on our Facebook profile.

Speaking of our Facebook profile, do add yourself as a fan if you do like our works ok. :)

It's always a hair raising moment when the groom takes over to remove the hair pins before removing the veil

Yong How

Monday, May 18, 2009

Group Shots

While going thru some older photos today, i came across this picture.

I always snap an extra photo after a formal group shot.
Sometimes.... the smile and candid moment after the formal shot is much better and natural...
I feel... thats how group shots should be. :)

ChuianFeng (

Friday, May 15, 2009

Simple and nice

Photography: Yong How

Another very warm (both emotionally and meteorologically) and simple ceremony. Yes, it's a very hot day today but that didn't stop everyone from being themselves. Here are a few picks from Eva and Chris's Day 1 of their wedding. :)

Chris and Eva, continue to keep your spirits high for your wedding banquet ok. :)

Yong How


Just a random photo of a recent wedding I've covered. After taking photos of his daughter, the bride's father went to show his wife. :)

Darren (

See what see?

From today's wedding. Feeling real sleepy but fulfilling. :)

More pics to come in another few days.

Baby A: "Look, what is the black thing that uncle is holding and aiming at us?"

Baby B: "It's a water bottle"

Yong How

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Alvin + Kelly Pre-wedding

Had an awesome time with Alvin & Kelly yesterday. They wanted a theme that is set in the 70/80's as that is the era that they grew up in. So, after tons of discussions over msn, we finally managed to come up with the few old locations that were still around.

Before the shoot, I was actually kinda worried when i check the weather forecast. But surprisingly, we were blessed with very good light. I think that's because they are such nice people and agreed to all my crappy ideas/poses/locations. :p

And, we ended the pre-wedding shoot with tons of pics. Thanks to Darren for assisting too.

Here's some of my fav from yesterday. I havent gone thru all the photos, but i think it will turn out great. :)

I have to climb on top of the playground to get this overhead view. Almost didnt know how to come down from the top. :p

I remembered telling them i can smell the mei zhen xiang (美珍香) from where i was shooting and i am hungry... and that cracked them up. :D

I am very looking forward to their AD. :)

ChuianFeng (

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Javis + Jean + Dave

Photography: Yong How

I got a surprise email from Jean some time back to ask me about taking some shots of her boy...and she identified herself as my secondary 2 classmate. It is only when she told me her chinese name that I knew who she was from the following email. Also, we've not kept in touch since we left school. I'm glad that it's a gathering of sort with this shoot with Jenny, another of my Sec 2 classmate who popped by. :)

Children have always been one of my favourite subjects to photograph as they exhibit so much innocence and energy. I had never taken a paid job to do that but I've been getting quite a bit of shots of children from the weddings I've covered. My own little boy has always been a good 'model' too.

It got me pretty excited when I knew that I'll be shooting Javis (Jean and Dave's boy) exclusively in their home. Javis is really easy to warm up with and it took me just a minute for him to get comfy with me around. The whole session was done very casually and there's literally no art direction. I'm glad that Javis, Jean and Dave are so cheerful throughout the shoot.

Here are a handful of images to share. :)

Thank you Jean and Dave for this great opportunity. We'll keep in touch again. :)

Yong How

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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