Monday, October 27, 2008

Lionel & Angela

We had a very very "rock" bride few weeks back. Instead of the usual wedding high heels, she wore boots. Lionel is also a very timely groom whom didnt give a hoot about the gate crash. His brothers settle it all for him. Where can you find such "lovely" brothers? :)

But, i think they got abit too excited and the door key was snapped into half during the gate crash! Heeh... We almost couldn't open the door. Somehow, they managed to open it without tearing the door down. :p

Here's some random pics for the day event.

The sisters were discussing what to do to the brothers over breakfast

Lionel just relax behind during the gatecrash. :p

First round of rampage during the gatecrash...

and the key snapped!

After the gate is open, here's the second round of rampage.

The wonders of technology! Lionel sister was overseas and she can see the tea ceremony LIVE via webcam. :)

A happy father. :)

This is always the time where the groom will have headache on which pin to remove for the veil.

A happy moment when the morning activities are being shown again on one of the sister's mobile phone. :)

Erm... -_-"

The sister behind seem to know that the bouquet will surely go to her even before Shirley threw the flowers.

Well, she got it!

ChuianFeng (

Friday, October 24, 2008

Desmond and Yi Min

It's been roller coaster ride lately with lots of appointments, weddings to cover and lots of images to process. I'm very thankful that my wife had been very accomodating. She had been doing much more to take care my our baby Ray even though she has her work to handle too. While trying to spend a little more time with family, I've been posting lesser. With a little extra time now with baby asleep, I've decided to post a bigger post...image intensive...very...

Desmond and Yi Min's is another couple whom I feel very comfortable to be with on the first meeting. I also remembered that I've chatted with Desmond at a fast food restaurant for 2 hours when I met him to sign the contract.

Fast forward to early october...

Their wedding day is one with the most people shooting (DSLRs, compact cam, handphone cams, video cams). It was indeed quite challenging to shoot at times but I'm glad that Desmond, Yi Min and all their relatives were very spontaneous and warm, making it a joy to shoot.

Here are some of the images from their wedding and my enjoyable shoot... :)

The mysterious photographer lurks beneath

I'm spotted pointing the camera at their direction, all of them smiled spontaneously

The girls having their group shot taken by several cameras in turn, I decided to go for their legs instead =p


Desmond doing himself up before sending off the guests

Thank you Desmond and Yi Min for giving me the honour to cover your wedding!

Yong How

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