Sunday, August 31, 2008

Jon & Acacia

As Uncle Tey was expecting his junior last month, i was on standby for Jon & Acacia's wedding just in case his boy pop out on that day. Well, glad that his boy came out earlier than expected.

Nevertheless, both of us decided to shoot this wedding together as Uncle Tey was kinda tired after nights of staying over in the hospital with his wife.

Jon & Acacia had a simple morning gatecrash, followed by tea ceremony and solomnization.

Here's my share of the photos. Hope they like them.

On another note, we were suppose to be recharging and taking the opportunity to rest before the final quarter of the year. Well, 7th month is now over... and it seems like we haven't rested at all. -_-"

We took this little lull period we had to re-organize our portfolio. We will be posting up new photos updates for our website gallery as well as adding a new section, bridals(pre-wedding) portfolio at our website soon .

I am also a bit paiseh for posting weddings that were shot a month ago. Will try to update as much as possible to catch up on the recent wonderful weddings. :p

Erm, thats all for now, and hope that we can somehow do better for all our couples the next quarter. heeh...

ChuianFeng (

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Baby Ray

Yes! I've finally finished all the post processing of all the wedding images. Now a couple more albums and I'm through!

Our dear govt had recently announced the enhanced package for new babies. This news did made my wife and I a little upset at first for missing it since baby Ray came exactly a month before. Anyway, we've come to terms with it and we felt glad that he's a healthy baby afterall.

It's a pretty challenging day for me as my wife went out for some errands leaving me alone with my boy. Somehow he's a little cranky today and insists that someone is beside him. I just need to walk away for a moment and he'll start wailing. Resorted to pulling his bed beside my work table. Shucks. I hope he'll behave better soon as I can't work from home all the time.

Here's how he's like when he's creating havoc...

And the peaceful side of him...

By the way, my friend referred this video to me. It really works to calm my baby down. It might be useful for some of our couples turned parents too. Don't over use it though...I feel.

Here's the video:

Yong How

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Evelyn and Jeremy

Evelyn and Jeremy flew back from Texas to hold their wedding ceremony here. It was such a simple and warm affair between close relatives and friends and we can really feel the kinship between everyone.

I was pretty apprehensive to cover their wedding when they approached me months ago as I was concerned that my baby may be delivered during those few days. ChuianFeng readily volunteered to assist me to cover their wedding if that really happens. On their wedding day itself, we decided that we'll go together and cover their wedding and have fun together.

Here are some of my share of images while I'll get the rest of the images from ChuianFeng tomorrow.

Evelyn and Jeremy, thank you for being such a great couple to work and be with. We wish both of you lots of joy back in the States! :)

A couple more of Evelyn and Jeremy's images are at HERE.

Tey Yong How

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Eric & Wun

I've finally managed to clear most of my backlogs for the last 2 months. :)

Here's a slideshow for Eric & Wun wedding which were shot 1 month ago. For the first time, the brothers crashed thru the gate and when they are in the house, they crash right thru the bridal room as well since the door is not locked. I hope the sisters have recovered from their bruises.

Wishing you guys a blissful marriage!

ChuianFeng (


She kept taking pictures of me taking pictures. I can't help but reciprocate... =p

Yong How

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Appreciation to my confinement lady

Ah Bee Auntie had been with us for the past month since my baby Ray was born. She had been such a great help to my wife and I who do not have the slightest idea on how to care for a new born. All the crappy jobs like bathing the baby to staying up through the long nights to coax baby Ray to sleep to clearing up his poo were handled by her. The great thing is, she had done them with lots of patience and care.

Her duty with us was done yesterday and we had to handle everything ourselves from now based on what she had taught us. It is not easy but I believe we can cope well in time to come.

We'll miss her presence not just as a helper but also as a good friend.

Thank you Auntie Ah Bee....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Malay Wedding

While most Chinese photographers were busy with shooting chinese weddings on the 8/8/08 day, I've got the chance to cover a malay wedding instead. It's refreshing to be able to cover another culture's wedding for a change sometimes. Always love the colours of malay weddings.

Thanks to Malek of Dvineshots ( who referred Afida and Rasidi to me.

Yong How

Friday, August 15, 2008

Madeleine and Midge

Madeleine and Midge's wedding was the day after my baby boy was delivered. The night before, I was very worried that I may not make it to shoot their wedding as the baby delivery process may take a long time. Glad that all went smoothly and I still managed to go for Madeleine and Midge's wedding direct from KK Hospital. I was a little tired at the beginning of the day. Got to thank Darren for coming to assist me. I don't think I can pull through the day to produce consistent shots without his help. Also, everyone at the wedding were very enjoyable to be with. That helps me alot to forget the fatique.

Midge is one of the most expressive groom I've shot. Madeleine is just as bubbly and they are really one fun couple to be with. Also glad that they've given us lots of room for free play and to capture their wedding with little obstrusion.

Here's some of the highlights of their wedding day.

Madeleine and Midge, Congrats!!!

Yong How

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Veera & Shirley

I shot this wonderful ROM 2 weeks ago. I never had the chance to meet up with Veera until the day itself. Luckily, he's a very nice guy. I say he is nice, because he feed me very well with the grill steak there. He even force me to eat when i am already soooo full and guilty. :)

I wanted to post their slideshow here, but decided not to, as its now 1145pm and i am still in office with a bowl of instant chicken abalone noodles.

Well, here's a few photos to share with you guys. :)

The 2 mums hugging

Veera: Am i handsome?
He asked his mother in law the same qn 3 times.

Well... The mum burst out laughing. I dunno what that means, but its sure funny. =)

Everyone had so much fun that night. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to be part of this wonderful event.

ChuianFeng (

Monday, August 11, 2008

In all the right places

It just happenned that all the groom's men were in the right positions at that moment. I got a little lucky here. If only I'm as lucky for 4D and Toto. Haha.

Yong How

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I don't know...

I wonder what the little one was asking in the day and night....she got the same response from her elder sister twice.

Yong How

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Few Randoms from Jeremy & Evelyn

Sorry for the lack of updates on my side lately. Been trying to clear the June and July backlogs. :)
Since Papa Tey been urging me to update here, i decided to post a few photos from Jeremy & Evelyn Wedding in July. Will post more soon... I promise... :)

Hope you guys like the photos!

ChuianFeng (

Monday, August 4, 2008

Blythe's 1st Birthday

Had the opportunity to be there to document baby Blythe's 1st birthday yesterday. Thanks to Angeline who had referred Wendy (Blythe's mum) to me. It is also my first paid baby birthday shoot. I'm more than glad to take it up as I personally like shooting children in action. A good break from all the wedding shots...

Blythe's birthday party was a simple and warm event graced by their relatives, close friends and neighbours. Little Blythe seems to be a little shy with me at first but I'm glad that she got used to the tall uncle with a black object soon enough.

Here's a bumper issue of the party pics. Wendy and hubby, hope you'll like them! :)

Blythe and her gifts....coincidentally mainly from Toy 'R' Us.

Nappy change that involved quite a few people =p

Blythe's birthday cake with lots of accessories on top

Yong How

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Yum Seng!

One shot I like very much from Joey and Zhiyong's wedding.

All guests should be this enthusiastic during the toasting session. ;)

Yong How

Aging portfolio

Phew! The long awaited lunar 7th month is here. It's going to be a month for lots of admin, updating work and catching up on backlogs.

Just noticed that our website's images are pretty dated (> 1 year old). It's good to hear from friends about the improvements they've seen when they compare the website portfolio to those on this blog. It's a pity that we've been very tied up over the months and had not really sat down to think about updating the website.

We'll be using this month to update our website's gallery to show our more recent works. For now, we have to dig through all the weddings we've shot over the past months for the images.

Stay tuned alright. :)

Yong How

Friday, August 1, 2008


More randoms from Debby and Johnathan's simple ceremony before I head out for shoot. Funny how last minute non-wedding shoots come pouring in just when I thought it's going to be a lull month. Haha.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Yong How

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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