Friday, February 27, 2009

Jocelyn and Ryosuke's Solemnisation

Photographer: Yong How

I've covered Jocelyn and Ryosuke's wedding over last weekend and it was a very tough weekend to get by. Nothing wrong with their wedding, in fact it was a very nice ceremony graced by lots of close friends and relatives. An event filled with warmth indeed. Their simple event took a small twist when their japanese friends put up a very interesting gig in the middle of the lunch reception.

Unfortunately, I was down with food poisoning from the previous night and I was still half recovered when I start to cover their first ceremony. My stomach just kept stirring and some wrong times and a fever set in in the middle of the shoot. Good thing is that everything is pretty nice and easy and I didn't have to run about too much. Was pretty glad that I've made it through day 1 of their wedding actually.

Here's the highlights of day 1 of Jocelyn and Ryosuke's wedding shown during their dinner reception. :)

Slideshow removed due to copyrights matters.

Congrats Jocelyn and Ryosuke! Wishing you a great life as husband and wife back in Japan. ;)

Yong How

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lucky numbers....must record

Sumeet and Shalini

Photography by: Yong How and Darren

Sumeet and Shalini's wedding fell on last xmas eve. Having shot a couple indian weddings before, theirs is the most happening one yet. Though it was a pretty tiring shoot with lots of activities going on the whole day, Darren and I enjoyed it thoroughly and I'm sure Sumeet, Shalini and their gang had loads of fun too! :)

Here are some extracts from their wedding.

Like the mixture of details here

Someone stole Sumeet's shoe

...and it took some haggling to get it back
Some fun back in Sumeet's home
I'll dance like that too if someone gives me a MacBook Air =p

The emcee of the night. He started off talking about the recession and encouraged everyone to continue to think big to ride through the recession. What a way to start off the night... =p

Dance performances


Yong How

What are we up to?

Greetings everyone.

Apologies for the slower postings lately. We've been pretty much kept occupied with post production and on my own, I'm also trying out more post production techniques which I hope will give the images a more subtle feel.

More importantly, we are also working on our new website (it's a 1 year late plan) and we hope it'll be ready to go live for further feedbacks by next week. On top of that we are also planning some minor changes to our packages too (hint hint) =p.

Do stay tuned ok. :)

Yong How

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I love you, you love me

Huilin and Zhuowei are a couple whom I can really feel the love throughout the shoot. In fact, there's little need to direct them excessively during the portrait session. Their love is all around them...and many times, you can see it in their eyes.

Like these very simple shots as well. :)

Yong How

Friday, February 20, 2009


It's been a long time since I've shot a solemnisation at ROM itself. I'm glad that Huilin and Zhuowei are so super nice and sporting. Thank you to both of you for the great meal after that too!

Here's one while I work on the rest later. :)
Yong How

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lift Upgrading

HDB had committed to having all HDB flats' lifts to stop at every floor by year 2014. See article under LUP.

With this, we'll be having lesser opportunities to get shots like this as we approach year 2014.

Yong How

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Perry & Rachel

Wedding Date: 28 Dec 2008
Photographer: CF

Here's my last wedding in 2008. It ended with Perry giving me a big kiss on my cheek. I still remember Perry saying, "hey CF, i dunno why... but i feel that i love you and i want to give you a kiss!" Then the rest is history.

Perry & Rachel wedding is filled with laughter. I always love happy weddings. Here's some sneak of their wedding day. :)

The sisters preparing the sabo games.

The kids were rolling around on Rachel's bed in the morning.

Halfway during the gatecrash, i spotted this half-naked man. :p

The guys started giving funny expressions after the sisters fed them with some "breakfast"

Perry: Grrrr... I will have my revenge!

The sisters just cant control their laughter.

After the gate was open, there are more "breakfast" inside waiting for Perry.

A behind the scene shot where the aunties are happily sharing the roasted pig

I always always always love happy tea ceremonies!

During the yum seng, this kid is enjoying herself so much that she seems to be in a world of her own, completely oblivious to her surroundings.

An uncle trying to get a piece of the action.

Their stage speech was interrupted by the kid.

After the table shots, the table toasting begins...

followed by the kissing...

Yup, thats me being kissed.

ChuianFeng (

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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