Friday, November 28, 2008

Email and Website down


There has been quite a number of stability issues with our current email server which results in lots of lost mail cases lately. Therefore, we decided to switch to another host to resolve this.

I would like to inform everyone that our email and website will be down for server migration from 5pm today (friday) till saturday evening. If required, you can still send emails to our temporary email address at:

For urgent matters, you can also call us at:
Yong How: +65 97932031
Chuian Feng: +65 94561174

Thank you very much and apologies for any inconvenience. :)

Yong How

Russell and Grace

Wedding Date: 1 Nov 2008
Photographer: Yong How

I knew Russel and Grace when they approached me to cover their solumnisation early 2007 and the first impression they gave me was that they are outspoken and chatty people. They certainly proved me right when they were very candid during their solumnisation ceremony. What's more was that, their relatives especially Russell's uncles were a super crazy bunch too. They kept poking fun at me during the shoot. Was very glad that Russell and Grace decided to have me to cover their actual day again and I've been looking forward to it.

They remain as fun as before on their wedding day with lots of joy throughout the day. I can't help but laugh along with some of the jokes being cracked between everyone there.

Here are some random selections from their wedding.

Russell and Grace, hope you like them. :)

A frail attempt to get a red packet =p

The uncles surprised everyone by staying on stage after toasting to sing a hokkien song for our dear couple. Way cool!

This gentleman was the best man for Russell's dad's wedding.
Yong How

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Heng and Belle

Wedding Date: 15th Nov 2008
Photographer: CF

The beautiful day started off with good lighting. I reached their suite earlier and Heng was so nice to make me a cup of coffee to perk me up. We had a very relaxing morning doing the make up and going around for some shots around the location.

Heng and Belle showed such a strong connection that every photo of them seemed to glow with happiness.

ChuianFeng (

Monday, November 24, 2008

Binson and Melissa

Wedding Date: 12th Nov 2008
Photographer: CF

Melissa was the one that met up with me earlier this year. I was kinda surprised that she engaged me on the spot even when Binson is not around with her on that day.

I didnt get to meet Binson at all till the day itself. When i finally met Binson at the carpark at the wee hours of the day, i am glad that Binson is such a nice guy.

My brain isnt working very well with words today after the back to back weddings over the past weekend with 2 great couples(more pics on that soon), so i shall let the video slideshow do the talking today.

Here's the express highlights for the day 2 weeks ago. The song fallen, is chosen by them. :)

ChuianFeng (

Taking 5

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Agnes and Cedric

Wedding Date: 25 Oct 2008
Photographer: Yong How

I personally like weddings which are warm and simple. Agnes and Cedric's wedding is one of them. There's no rowdy groomsmen bargaining with bridesmaids for gatecrash and there's no need to travel to and fro between the groom and bride's home.

The preparations started at their own matrimonial home where Agnes and Cedric do all their preparations there before setting off for their day's program. One thing that really left a deep impression was Agnes's sister, Lydia's singing the moment I step out of the lift to their flat. It's just wonderful to hear such nice singing to start the day off.

Also, one interesting thing is, Cedric always move around on his own and keep forgetting his bride who's struggling with the gown behind. Not that it's a sin though....haha. Some grooms are like that including myself during my own wedding.

Ok, here are some picks from their wedding...

I like this image though it's just a simple one. It shows how much pride she has for her son who's up on stage giving the speech.

Congrats Agnes and Cedric! :)

Yong How

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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