Monday, December 31, 2007

One more before 2008...

Finally finished processing Glenda and Johnathan's wedding images. So many things had been holding me back over the past week and I tell myself that I must finish it before the end of 2007.

Here's one image that I personally like. A simple shot but I just love images of interaction between the elders and the young ones.
Once again, wishing everyone a great 2008!

Yong How

Hip siong granny

Got this shot of the "Hip" siong granny a few weeks back while shooting a wedding.

This candid shot just made my day. lol. :)

Wish all you guys have a happy new year in 2008!


Friday, December 28, 2007


Just came back from another happening wedding dinner of Ronald and Grace. Was meant to be there just to help CF with some lighting for a pre-ceremony shoot. Ended up staying and shoot thru the dinner as well.

Here's one of the many pics I like this evening. A toast to usher in the new year too. :)

Tomorrow will be my last day of shooting for 2007. It will be a great time to catch up on my backlogs of post processing after that. It's been a fulfilling year and I would like to thank everyone again for all the support and suggestions for improvement.

Lots of weddings to blog about but will do so maybe next week. ;)

Yong How

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Greetings everyone.

Sorry that I have not posted much lately. It's been a hectic week and I hardly get decent rest for days. There are quite a handful of weddings to blog about but maybe I'll save them for later.

Despite that, I would still like to wish everyone a great holiday season! Also, thank you for all the support through the past months.

Will be back to blogging next week. :)

Yong How

Thursday, December 20, 2007

New Contributor II

Hello everyone, this is CF here.

Finally got some off time from the hectic wedding shoots schedule to post some photos from a recent wedding.

This wedding is held at a yacht at one 15 Marina, Sentosa, and is one of a simpler and intimate weddings that i have covered. Its pretty challenging to shoot this ROM as there are no lights out in the sea after sunset, and the yacht is rocking quite abit out in the sea! *_*

Nevertheless, i still enjoyed this shoot alot. Nice couple, nice environment and nice food. :)

Thats all for now, will post more photos soon!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Faizal and Siti

Had the previlege to document another malay wedding last weekend thanks to Malek of Dvineshots.
It was one of the simpler malay wedding as it was just Siti making up at home and off to the CC for the rest of the day.

This round, I have the luxury to cover the journalistic shots as another photographer handles all the group shots. It is also one wedding which I think I've spoken less than 10 sentences to the couple. Was away from the couple most of the time covering the happenings around them.

Here are some pics again. :)Regards
Yong How

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Email Glitch

My email server seems to be having problems again over the past days. It seems that many of the mails did not reach me somehow.

In case you did not receive any reply from me so far, please call/sms me at 97932031.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Yong How

Friday, December 14, 2007

Johnathan and Glenda

Had the honour to document Johnathan and Glenda's wedding last week. I've enjoyed it with the company of the fun bridal party esp the sisters who are one of the more rowdy bunch. I must say that the ingredients used for the 'banana bolaignase' during gate crash is one of the worst combination I've come across. The recipe is to be remained confidential for the safety of all other grooms out there.

Here are some pics...

The first coordinating 'brother' on the ground
Ladies showing that they can do it loud too

Yong How

New Contributor

Greetings everyone!

Many had been asking me to showcase ChuianFeng's work in my website. Unfortunately, it's been a hectic period and it will be a challenge to do the website updates now.

However, I am pleased to let you know that ChuainFeng will also be contributing his works in this blog too. Certainly hope you can also lend your support to him as well! :)

Also, I would like to use this opportunity to thank everyone for the suggestions and support all these while.

Wishing all of you a great holiday season! :)

Yong How

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

4th Place in WPJA Competition

Yes! 1 of my images got into the 4th place in the WPJA competition under toasting category! Thanks to Ivan and Peini for the opportunity to shoot their wedding half a year ago. :)

Can't speak much to share my excitement now cos I have to reach the bride's place in 45mins. A full day AD.

Check out the other winning entries at :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ronnie and Joleen

Finally completed my 3 days consecutive shoot. Pretty drained and kind of lost the voice after directing so many big group shots over the last few days...really knock out after this post

I've shot Ronnie and Joleen's ROM a year back and I'm very glad to be able to cover their wedding day. Unfortunately, I have to miss their wedding dinner which is on another day as I am booked.

They got the biggest group of brothers and bridal fleet I've come across. Imagine brothers filling up the whole corridor when they were asked to do push ups. They also have the biggest bridal room I've been into. Also think that we can do a bouquet tossing within the room.

One of the most happening weddings I've been to this year...

Part of the bridal party fleetThis is what the brothers get for cheating during gate crash. The bridesmaid feed them personally to ensure nobody cheats...When you work with another photographer and a videographer...
Congrats Ronnie and Joleen! :)

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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