Lexis and Angie Wedding
Photographer - ChuianFeng.
Guess fate brought this couple and me together. Somehow, Lexis and Angie will become my future neighbour as we will be staying in the same block in a few years time. Most probably we will be doing alot of things together in future as well due to many of our similiar interest (Sammi, speakers, food, etc...) :)
This wedding is also different from the norm as i started off at Lexis side. We had to travel to JB in the morning to pick Angie from her house. So, no makeup shots this time as i got to see what the brothers go thru during the morning preps.
Here's some randoms from the day.
Here's Lexis taking a quick peep out of his bridal car.
Toothbrush with wasabi is evil!
This is how the brothers look like when they got to pass thru oranges thru their tight jeans.
The sisters just grab hold of one of the brother's leg to apply leg wax to it.
With Lexis singing at the top of this voice with a loud hailer, the sisters can barely hold his singing.
A "pleasant" surprise await an unsuspecting Lexis. Lexis thought that he can get Angie finally after so many rounds of games.
Kiss the pig!
A touching moment before Angie left for Singapore.
More touching moments at Lexis's place in Singapore The wedding banquet started off with many poppers!
Angie was touched by Lexis singing.
During the showing of the day's highlights...
And the real fun begins after sending off the guest...
Really wish i could have posted more, but that will realllllly lag the blog. Perhaps i'll upload it to our facebook in the near future. :)
ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)
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