Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lexis and Angie Wedding

Photographer - ChuianFeng.

Guess fate brought this couple and me together. Somehow, Lexis and Angie will become my future neighbour as we will be staying in the same block in a few years time. Most probably we will be doing alot of things together in future as well due to many of our similiar interest (Sammi, speakers, food, etc...) :)

This wedding is also different from the norm as i started off at Lexis side. We had to travel to JB in the morning to pick Angie from her house. So, no makeup shots this time as i got to see what the brothers go thru during the morning preps.

Here's some randoms from the day.

Here's Lexis taking a quick peep out of his bridal car.

Toothbrush with wasabi is evil!

This is how the brothers look like when they got to pass thru oranges thru their tight jeans.

The sisters just grab hold of one of the brother's leg to apply leg wax to it.

With Lexis singing at the top of this voice with a loud hailer, the sisters can barely hold his singing.

A "pleasant" surprise await an unsuspecting Lexis. Lexis thought that he can get Angie finally after so many rounds of games.

Kiss the pig!

A touching moment before Angie left for Singapore.

More touching moments at Lexis's place in Singapore

The wedding banquet started off with many poppers!

Angie was touched by Lexis singing.

During the showing of the day's highlights...

And the real fun begins after sending off the guest...

Really wish i could have posted more, but that will realllllly lag the blog. Perhaps i'll upload it to our facebook in the near future. :)

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

2010 Overseas Bridal at Paris and Perth

1950 Photography would like to announce 2 great overseas bridal photography promotional packages.

All packages comes with a beautifully hand crafted 24 page 15 by 12 inch premium album and renowned professional makeup artist, Liren, will be flying with us for this trip too. :)

Romantic Paris in August
Confirmed Dates: 23th-31th Aug 2010 (2 slots left)

Beneath the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
More details at: http://www.1950photography.com/paris_bridal.html

Scenic Perth in Sept
Confirmed Shooting Dates: 5th-9th Sept (1 more empty slot at 5th and 6th Sept)

At Swan Valley, Perth, Australia
More details at: http://www.1950photography.com/perth_bridal.html

Do email quick to cf@1950photography.com for the irresistible offer.

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Shane and Joyce Solemnisation

Photography by Yong How

It was a very nice experience to document Shane and Joyce's solemnisation ceremony. Shane is rather quiet and a little reserved while Joyce is all bubbly through the day.

The ceremony was a really simple affair witnessed by a small group of their close friends and relatives. We spent much more... time after that for a 2 hours outdoor shoot around Chinatown.

Thanks Shane and Joyce. Look forward to document your wedding day in the coming months. :)

More images on our Facebook Profile.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Yong How

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pre-wedding at Perth, Sept 2010

Photographer - ChuianFeng

Hi everyone!

I am pleased to announce that we have tie-up with Liren (Our favourite makeup artist) for this up-coming Perth Sept 2010 pre-wedding shoot.

Here's the very good offer.
Perth at $4800 Confirmed Shooting Dates: 5th-9th Sept (1 more empty slot at 5th and 6th Sept)
- 15 by 12 inch 24page specially crafted album
- Make up artist, Liren and Photographer, ChuianFeng/YongHow
- Transport during shoot provided

Drop me an email, cf@1950photography.com to do your bookings now!

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Kim and Jean Wedding

Photography by Yong How

Had an interesting time documenting Kim and Jean's wedding last weekend. Kim's really expressive while Jean is much more reserved.

It's also my 3rd consecutive time shooting in Fullerton within a month (though the evening images are not ready yet).

Here are some of the images I've shortlisted for their morning highlights. Hope you'll enjoy them.

Congrats to you Kim and Jean. Hope you'll have great fun for your M'sia leg of your wedding too. :)

More images on our Facebook Profile.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

The morning highlights of their wedding by Hwee Studios can be found here too.

Kindly Contact Hweestudios for the password to view the highlights

Kim & Jean Wedding Highlights from Ben Lim [ hweestudios.com ] on Vimeo.

Yong How

Friday, March 5, 2010

2009 Q4 WPJA winnings

Photographer - ChuianFeng
Glad to announce that i've got 2 placing at the 2009 Q4 WPJA competition.

Creative portrait, 8th placing

JUDGES COMMENTS: Great concept and well executed.

ChuianFeng Comments: Actually, Weiling almost didnt want this shot due to the logistics. Thank God we went ahead! :)

Off camera/strobes, 12th placing

JUDGES COMMENTS: The backlight and the fill work well and I like the lights in the background which aid the composition. I wish the light wasn't so hot on the champagne glass. With a bit more detail in the glass the image would have been even stronger.

ChuianFeng Comments: Junjie & Yaoxian, if you are reading this, thank you for having me at your wedding! :)

Thank you to every couple whom have placed their trust in us. Will continue to work harder at all your weddings for better photos!

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Andy and Linda Wedding

Photography - ChuianFeng

*blows off the dust*

I'm so sorry that this little space of ours have been neglected.

I did not meet Andy till the wedding day itself. Was kind of anticipating what kind of guy Andy would be. Well, turns out Andy & Linda's big day is a total blast to shoot. :)

This is a huge post with many photos. So do hit on the refresh button if some photos did not load.

Here's a small glimpse of what happened on that day.
Andy's worst fear.. worms!

Linda exclaimed she must step on Andy's feet when he came in. Haha. :p

Various expressions of the brothers after eating the "wonderful" breakfast.

Andy tried to barge into the house.

Look at Andy face after he was forced to put his hand into the container...

Andy celebrated after he got into Linda's room...

But the celebration was short lived as Linda tried to step on his feet.

Totally pwned expression! haha. :p

I always love little moments like these. :)

Andy heaved a sigh of relief after the solominzation was over.

Sharing a wonderful moment with his mum after the ROM speech.

Their march in was spectacular as well, with all the bros and sis dancing along the aisle as they march in.

Feels like a star entrance eh...

This is the end result of the first march in...

The 2nd march in is unique as they decided to cycle in to the tune of the song "甜蜜蜜"

P.S. Will try to update more!

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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