Saturday, November 28, 2009

Yap Shinn and Si Jian

Photographer: Yong How

Yap Shinn and I had been working together in the grassroots organisation for several years before we left to concentrate on our family and career commitments. Really glad that he's now happily married to Si Jian who's such a wonderful lady.

I had a wonderful time shooting for their wedding day with everyone being so relaxed and spontaneous. The great colours from their peranakan culture really makes the images more captivating.

Here are some images from their Day 1 of their wedding for their highlights slideshow. It's been a while since we've posted a slideshow too. Enjoy. :)

Congrats Shinn and SJ! :)

Yong How

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tiande & Jasmine

Photographer - ChuianFeng

Last year, i shot Tiande & Jasmine ROM. Its the most bubbly ROM.

This year, its their customary wedding. Jasmine always came across to me as a very outgoing person. When she shed tears in the evening when hugging her brother, i was really.... stunned...

There's alot of pictures which i liked. Pity i cant post too much, else the blog will be very lag.

Here's some random photos from the day. :)

I think the brother in the middle looks like my Sec Sch chinese teacher. :p

Tiande making promises to Jasmine during the dinner.

ChuianFeng (

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jack & Adeline Part II

Photography: Darren

As promised, here are the follow up of the morning photos which I had posted sometime back. They are back in UK now. Hopefully one day when I visit UK, they are able to bring me around. :p

Happy father-in-law.

Adeline kept taking off her shoes.

This is Jack's first time doing 'Yam Seng!'

Have a blissful marriage, Jack & Adeline!

Darren (

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

One happening wedding

It's another happening wedding dinner to cover to day. Thanks to Mindy and Dixon who are such a spontaneous couple. Darren had also shot their morning session yesterday. I'm glad that Darren's around shooting with me today as I wasn't feeling too well.

Here's just one of the shots of Mindy doing the toast with her bunch of super LOUD bunch of colleagues to end off my day. :)

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Yong How

Monday, November 16, 2009

Everything ahead of time

Had a wonderful time shooting for Valerie and Shawn today. Basically, everything were done well ahead of time and we had alot of free time in between. The best part was, almost all the guests arrived for the dinner by 7.45pm and the dinner ended before 10.30pm. Talk about punctuality.

Thanks Valerie, Shawn and your respective families for the great hospitality too. :)

Here's one shot from their wedding before I knock out.

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Yong How

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Linda and Roger

Photography by Yong How

I had the great honour to document Linda and Roger's wedding last month. Everything was kept relatively simple and traditional. However, I'm glad that there's no short of little moments to capture despite the simplicity.

Here're some quick picks from their wedding. More of the images can be found on our Facebook Profile.

Congrats Linda and Roger. :)

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Yong How

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kungfu fighting

Everybody was kung-fu fighting...
They were funky groomsmen from funky Chinatown...
And they fought with expert timing.

Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend. :)

ChuianFeng (

Friday, November 6, 2009


Thought I'll post something a little different this time...

Heartlands might not be the most glamorous places to shoot in. But I personally like the rawness of such locations and would try to show them in the images when possible.

Here are a few which I personally like from Charmaine and Keith's wedding. More images can be found on our Facebook profile. :)

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The trishaw uncle was trying to get the bridal car's plate number. He got what he wanted. :)
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More images can be found on our Facebook profile.

Yong How

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Yuanchun and Cailin

Photographer - ChuianFeng

I am sure most of you guys have seen this video by moomedia.

Well, i am blessed enough to be their wedding photographer on their big day. They knew and dated each other since their seconday sch days.

Here's some randoms from the day. :)

I really like their vows. Its written by themselves, which made it all the more special.

Too much martini will double yourself. :p

The Emcee stunned the crowd (and me) when they walk in holding on the pics of Yuanchun and Cailin.

Here's the real March-in.

Pardon me for my lack of text in this post. I am still suffering from some jet lag. >.<"

ChuianFeng (

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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