Monday, October 26, 2009

Andy & Susan

Photography: Darren

Got the chance to document Andy & Susan's wedding at the start of the wedding season. It's a simple and yet well organised.

Below are some of the randoms of the day.

Simply the love concept of having the little seat, which is given to the guests.

Andy was so nervous that he forgot the lyrics.

Darren (

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Hand almost hit the ceiling fan while taking this shot today. Thanks to the alarm from the relatives that prevented an accident. I should remind myself to be more careful.

It's been a great shoot this morning though. :)

Heading out to shoot the evening event soon.

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Yong How

Friday, October 23, 2009

Videography Tie-ups

Greetings everyone!

We have many couples asking us if we do collaboration/tie-ups with and wedding videography services. The answer is, "Yes, we do!".

We had been working closely with Hwee Studios and Creagift Motion Images for a pretty long time and it has been a great experience working with them.

On top of this, we are pleased to announce our another tie up with Vocare Media ( their videography services too.

Feel free to contact us on the promotional offers if you do engage our services.

Do check out their respective websites as well:
Hwee Studios:
Creagift Motion Images:
Vocare Media:

Meanwhile, here's wishing everyone a great weekend! :)

Yong How

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ah xing and Yanqing

Photographer - ChuianFeng

Yanqing is a sec sch friend of myself and Darren. Having known her for more than a decade, her wedding is an occassion that we been looking forward to.

After dating with Ah xing for nearly a decade, they finally tie the knot.

We had an enjoyable time at her wedding. I'll let the photos do the talking. :)

Known for her wackiness, her laughter is always very contagious.

Coffee with egg is sure to wake you up in the morning...

And it doesnt help when u are drinking it with a straw..... with holes poke all over.

I think Ah xing's eyes nearly pop out after taking a bite of the wasabi rice thing.

He just simply cant rem the number of job change Yanqing hopped until now.

We went to Temasek Poly for some shots! Its the place where they got to know each other. :)

Ang baos should be in my pocket instead. :p

See them small small, now finally grow up get married. :)

ChuianFeng (

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Random from Bali

Sorry for the lack of updates in the blog by me. It had been a whirlwind period for me with 4 shoots last week with appointments and morning highlights to work on in between.

Wasn't a very good start back when I return to office yesterday with some technical glitches that prevented me from working for the whole day. :(

Anyway, things are finally back to normal for now and thought I'll just post a shot that I like from Cheryl and Francis's wedding in Bali earlier this month.

Back to more edits and replying of emails... -_-"

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Have a good week ahead!

Yong How

Friday, October 16, 2009

Eric & Aileen

Photographer - ChuianFeng

I thought i should update the blog before the weekend shoot again where we will be busy munching food shooting at the hotels. :p

At the start of the wedding season, i have the honor to covered Eric and Aileen wedding. Here's some randoms of the day.

Their uncle is doing live telecast throughout the tea ceremony. If only there's a commentator as well. :p

You cant see their faces... but you know that they are happy. :p

Ahh... told you guys. You cant see their faces, but they are happy. :)

During the yum seng toasting, Aileen suddenly teared... I was really taken by surprised as this is the first time someone became touched when everyone else is shouting yum seng.

"Noooo!!! Eric must drink finish himself!" exclaimed the guest.

And thank you everyone for your birthday wishes! They really made my day and reminded me that all the effort put into editing your photos are worth it. *sob* :)

ChuianFeng (

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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