Monday, June 29, 2009

Dylan and Lily

I've known Dylan and Lily for several years since my days as a volunteer in the grassroot organisation. Dylan and I clicked very well and I always enjoy his company when we are working together during grassroots events.

Actually it didn't come to me that Dylan and Lily are a couple until last year and I'm pretty glad that they've tied the knot....some friend I am huh. Haha.

CF and I had shot their pre wedding and we enjoyed the session very much.

Fast forward to their wedding day, it was another great wedding to be at. As they had done away with quite a bit of the wedding practices, their schedule was pretty loose and everyone was pretty much relaxed.

Here are some of the images from their morning highlights to share. :)

I thought it was too easy for Dylan to eat eggplants as one of the sabotage item...but it turned out that he doesn't dare to take any of it at all.

Congrats Dylan and Lily! :)

Yong How

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back from perth

Hi everyone, finally i am back from Perth's pre-wedding after a delayed flight. It wasn't easy to shoot in winter as the weather is really bonkers. One moment, it can be sunny, and the next, heavy showers.

Well, God does listen to our prayers. Everytime while we are traveling, it rains. And once we reach the destination. The rain stops, with just enough time for us to do our shoot. Isn't that amazing?

Haven't really gone thru all the photos yet. Here's 2 photos for a start. Will blog more soon.

Kudos to Isaiah and Matilda for bearing the cold weather. :)

P.S. If you guys are keen in overseas pre-wedding, let me know! There's some really cheap tickets up for grabs!

ChuianFeng (

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An apple a day...

Posting this on the move while waiting for the next appointment...

They say that an apple a day keeps the doctors away...but Dylan has 3 apples and it will be shared by 5 person. =p

With the H1N1 virus going around now. I hope all of us will take extra care. Wishing everyone good health. :)

Yong How

Friday, June 19, 2009

Eva and Chris

Photographer: Yong How

I had the privilege to shoot several very nice weddings over the past weeks. Chris and Eva's wedding is definitely one of them.

When I met Chris and Eva the first time, I can sense their excitement to make their wedding special...and special it is.

They held their very nice and cosy solemnisation at the nice and cosy Au Jardin restaurant the day before their banquet. With a relatively smaller group of friends and relatives, it sets out to be very intimate and everyone are enjoying themselves. It was nice to shoot in the nice clean setting with good lighting too.

The banquet night was in big contrast though. It's louder (with them singing on KTV) in a very interesting setting (Red Star Restaurant with disco lights from the KTV crew). Incidentally, Chris's parents' wedding banquet was held in the same restaurant decades back too.

Thank you Chris, Eva and clan for being so nice to work with! :)

Check out more of the images on our Facebook profile.

Yong How

Friday, June 12, 2009

Zhu Mu & Yee Meei

Photographer - ChuianFeng

When YeeMeei brief me about her wedding plans, it seems easy. Just a half day shoot at her place.

But things get challenging when you shoot at the same place for an extended period of time. You run out of things to shoot. Lucky they have a bunch of happening people which makes the wedding turns out very warm and cosy. This is the kind of wedding i would like to attend too. Just relatives and with a bunch of close friends. :)

Here's some randoms for the day.

This brother was happily feeding every other brother the "breakfast" that the sisters have prepared.

I am the one that pasted the "U" on the wall for the sisters. I felt so bad looking at this now. haha. :p

We went for a quick spin around the neighbourhood before going back to the house again.

Very nice cupcakes! I like. :)

After we got back from the short spin, its just casual mingling with the guests till the end.

A simple affair, but you can really feel the heart warming closeness of each and everyone. :)

ChuianFeng (

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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