Sunday, March 29, 2009

2 WPJA Awards

It's great to know that 2 of my images have been placed in the top 20 of their respective categories in the latest WPJA competition. It definitely encouraging to know this indeed.

Special thanks to Shufen/Mak and Fynn/Donny for the opportunity to document your weddings. :)

Here are the 2 shots...

Do click on the images to view the larger sized version

14th place in Action category

15th place under Ceremony category
Yong How

Friday, March 27, 2009

Nan & Ilah (Sanding)

Photographer: Darren, ChuianFeng

Here's the 2nd part of Nan & Ilah's Wedding. Usually for Chinese Wedding, the photograher usually start shooting at the bride side. However, Malay wedding is exactly the opposite. And since Chuian Feng and I covered this wedding together, we ended up shooting each sides from the start. I always have problem coming out with a proper introduction. So if my future post comes without much introduction, you'll know why. ;)

Below are some photos during the Sanding.

Darren (

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Very long Yum Seng

Today's shoot is another fun one with the bunch of crazy friends and fun couple. They also clocked the longest yum seng yet. The emcee wanted them to kiss as long as the crowd can hold the yum seng...and it lasted for around 3 minutes! Looking at their lips, they cheated. =p

Pretty busy with work and personal commitments lately and blog postings will be slower from me. Will post more once things settles down. :)

Yong How

Monday, March 23, 2009

Richard & Yanni Wedding

Photographer - ChuianFeng

Had a blast covering Richard & Yanni's wedding. They are such a joy to shoot that i throughly enjoyed myself the entire day. During the date crash, the brothers are so sporting with the games. Thumbs up for them.

Here's some randoms for the day itself.

Yanni's brother: I am going to pump till it burst. Hohoho!
Sisters: Noooooo~~~~

After Richard arrive, while preparing to go up, we heard a loud "evil" laughter from the 11th storey. We thought it was the sisters.

Sister Big Head - I WANT A BIGGER ANGBAO!!!
Richard - ok ok, coming.... "BIG" ang bao. :D

They have to pass a quail using mouth, and of course, everyone will want to run away.

The brothers have to hold Richard down to get it into his mouth...

Finally, the ordeal is over.

Ahhh... we finally trace the source of the evil laughter to this auntie. :p

Richard - come come, kiss kiss...

Auntie in pink - I also want!!!
Richard - HUH!!!!!

When tea runs out, there's always packet drink for tea ceremony. Just that you got to drink more. :)

A totally exhausted Richard, after the morning activities.

They had a simple ROM before the dinner

I thought i had lost this picture. Looks like my hand is still quite fast. :p

Mum actually cried during the video montage.

Yummmmmmmm Seng!

After sending off everyone, poor Richard still cant run away from being sabo by the drinks from his friends.

Richard & Yanni, thank you for entrusting your big day to me! :)

ChuianFeng (

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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