Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another random

The selection for new pics for our website has begun. Happened to come across this pic that I like too. It was taken a few months back but somehow I didn't notice it last time. I like it as a great moment of Vincent and Michelle marching in.

Yong How

Friday, January 30, 2009


Groom wears ear rings for bride. Paparazzis in action. =p

Yong How

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Simply love this pic so much that I'd like to post it immediately. :)

Good evening everyone!

Yong How

Best of 2008

Hi everyone,

Greetings from Melbourne and Tasmania!

I know this post came abit very late... But better late than never. :p

I have done up a slideshow that showcase some of my favorite journalistic moments. If you do not see your photos inside, it doesnt mean that its not good, but thats that many i can squeeze into this slideshow. And if you do see your photos inside, and you havent gotten your photos from me... Heeh... Pls wait a little longer ok? :p

Here's the slideshow.. Enjoy!

Click on the picture to visit the slideshow. It might take awhile to load.

On another note, my last wedding in 2008 ended like this.. The groom forcefully gave me a kiss after the wedding. :p

Wishing you guys an ox-picious new year. :D

ChuianFeng (


Feels good after the good break.

Here's one more pic and I'm back in tune for more post production. Will be posting more weddings soon. ;)
发呀! ;)

Yong How

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy New Year! :)

Thank you very much for all your support over the year! :)

Yong How

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I guess it's the heaven's calling for me to stop work when my work computer decided to stop working yesterday just when I'm about to continue some post production. That means the first thing when I resume work next week will be to try fix it up and continue with more post production.

With the work computer down, it also means I am able to spend a little more time today helping out in cleaning up the house and spending more time with family.

I've also tried to spring clean my laptop's hard drive a little and found that there are lots of pictures taken during family events and some random shots which were pretty much forgotten. It's a pity that we didn't print them out as I am pretty lazy to pick them out and send them for print. At the same time, I saw my dad trying very hard to use his pretty old camera phone to take some pics of Ray and failing to get good shots. I've always been wanting to get my dad (and myself) a good compact camera and what I saw today just tell me that today is the day. So an hour before renuion dinner, I rushed out to get a compact cam, a Panasonic LX3. There, I decided to just get a Canon Sylphy photo printer too so that it's easy for anyone at home to print the images (though not of the highest quality) before we procrastinate further. It costs quite a bit but I'm sure it's worthwhile.

It feels good to put some balance into life and I really would like to continue to upkeep this for the rest of the time. Maybe that's my new year resolution this year.

With the clock hitting 12 midnight now, I'll like to wish everyone here a great year and most importantly, good health! Also, thanks alot for reading thru this post too. :)

Warmest Regards
Yong How

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ray's 1st semi solid food

alWife decided to take the plunge and try out some semi solid food for Ray while I'm getting ready to for work. Decided to quickly grab my camera out for a few shots.

Shots like these do take my stress away...

Gotta run.

Have a good weekend! :)

Yong How

Friday, January 23, 2009

Busy busy...

My crazy agenda for the weekend...

5 more albums and 3 sets of JPG DVD to deliver, 2 more couples to meet, 1 more wedding to complete the post production. Spring cleaning not done, new year clothes not purchased, car needs a serious bath. -_-"

Sorry that we have to dissapoint some of our couples for being unable to have certain things done in a shorter time than usual. We've worked our heads off over the past days to try to fulfil as many request as we can so that you can have the images/albums to show your loved ones over the holiday.

Can we postpone CNY for a week? Haha.

Heading out for a quick 1hr shopping spree for a set of new clothes. Will post more images when things cool down a little ok. :)

Yong How

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Clarence & Sandra

Wedding Date: 12th Dec 2008
Photographer: CF

Clarence is a PE teacher. And, his gatecrash is one of the most "xiong" i ever came across. The sisters put mask on each of the random floor and Clarence's first task is to collect all of them.

We(Myself and the videographer, Vincent) had to run up floor by floor to the 12th floor from the carpark to reach Sandra's home. The even harder part is we have to be ahead of the Clarence so that we can shoot them.

Hey, we are not PE teachers ok... :p

Here's a slideshow to relive the day event.

Click on the picture to go to the slideshow.

ChuianFeng (

Patrick and Rachel

Wedding Date: 16 Jan 2009
Photographer: Yong How

Patrick and Rachel's wedding is another one filled with lots of warmth from their friends and relatives. This time round, the guys did a great job to avoid most of the hideous stuff prepared by the bridesmaids. It's good to have a gang of groomsmen with excellent negotiation skills.

Had a good time documenting it with Darren who decided to shoot along with me just a few days before the wedding day.

Here's the morning highlights of Patrck and Rachel's wedding day:

Click here to view
Password: 1950

Yong How

Monday, January 19, 2009

The man...

The man behind all the images in the previous post. =p
Ok, got to go on the move again. It's a hectic week...

Have a good evening.

Yong How

Sumeet & Shalini

Wedding Date: 24 Dec 2008
Photographer: Darren

I believed Yong How did post a few of their shots in the earlier post. So here's my version. As this is my first time covering an Indian wedding, I felt really excited. Shalini is cheerful always. Thus, taking her photos is really a breeze. Sumeet & Shalini, hope you guys like the photos. ;)

Darren (

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Taking a short break from post production. Here's one I've just processed. The kid is literally lifted up and down pretty quickly and repeatedly.... -_-"

Yong How

1 degree 15

Just a few random photos from my first shoot in 2009.

Will post the rest once I'm ready. ;)

Darren (

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Vincent & Jill

Date: 6th Dec 2008
Photographer: CF

It was a rainy day before the yacht wedding. We were kinda worried that the yacht wedding will be held indoors instead. But thank God, the skies open up and the rain subsided just mins before we board up the yacht.

However, the challenges are still there despite the cool weather. The sea is very very rocky and the light is getting dimmer as the night falls.

I hope the photos didnt disappoint them.

Jill getting ready in the morning

Does this guy looks familiar? :p

Vincent looking on, as one of his brother, Anthony, started munching down the bittergourd as if its nothing.

They had this buggy to fetch them onshore after the Solomnization.

Guests trying to take photos of them walking in.

Seeing that the evening sky is so fantastic, i die die grab them out for some outdoor shoot.

I also got shoot kids one ok. :p

Somehow, before that evening, i just knew that the weather would be fine during the yacht solomnization. :)

Finally my backlog is starting to get abit back on track. :) Thanks to everyone who have been patiently waiting for their pics.

ChuianFeng (

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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