Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sharen and Derrick Solumnisation

I had the privilege to document Sharen and Derrick's solumnisation ceremony earlier this month.

It's the first time I'm shooting a groom who's as tall as myself. Feels weird at first...haha.

I have to admit that it's a pretty challenging shoot considering the small space during the ceremony and the waitresses at the dining area were offering excellent services by being always around the tables ready to serve....just that it's made it very challenging for me to move around. Also, Sharen was pretty nervous during the ceremony. I'm glad that she managed to loosen up later in the day.

Still, it's a nice simple ceremony that I'm glad to be documenting. A quick outdoor shoot later at Clarke Quay ends the day.

Congrats Sharen and Derrick! :)

Here are some of the random picks...

Yong How

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Random from today

I had a short and simple ROM session with Cheetong and Christine this morning at Marriot.

And... somehow, today feels more like a pre-wedding. Since there's only a small handful attending the ROM, Christine requested that i do more posed shots. I think i ended up with more posed shots rather than journalistic shots. Haha!

Christine requested that i post some posed photos here so that she can have a preview.

Here's 2 photos for a teaser. Heeh...

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Mayank and Tammie

Phew! It's been a tough fortnight having the juggle my in camp training, baby and work. This ICT is the toughest I've been to with so many outfield operations within 2 weeks and under the crazily hot weather. The early book-ins and late book-outs had really taken quite a toll off me too. Very glad that the ICT is coming to an end today and I'm back in office for a while to collect some stuff before booking back in at lunch for the 'Happy Hour'.

Anyway, back to weddings...

Mayank and Tammie's wedding slideshow was done and uploaded months ago and somehow it just slipped my mind to post it on the blog. Good thing I've came across it when I was housekeeping my file server last night.

I've enjoyed their wedding very much because we don't get inter-racial weddings frequently and also the people at the wedding really enjoyed themselves. It's also a very 'alcoholic' wedding as they've downed beer and wine almost the whole day. Mayank even had a break in between the gate crashing to enjoy some Carlsberg. Lots more alcohol were served during the banquet when Mayank and Tammie insist to have a drink with all the guests while moving through the tables. I salute them for their capacity for alcohol.

Here's the slideshow of their big day. :)

Ok, time to book in...

Yong How

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mon Wai & Sharon

This is another first time for me.

First time that the groom do not want to go into the house after the gate crash! Mon Wai is so sporting and he even sang a song with music he specially composed after eating all the "meals" that the sisters have prepared before he went into the house for sharon.

If only all groom were as sporting as him. :)

Here's a slideshow for the day event.

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Bobby & Belle ROM

I had the opportunity to shoot another fellow Photographer(Bobby Leong) ROM earlier this month. It was a small and cosy ROM session at One Rochester. Bobby is such a romantic guy and he actually remember more details about his wife than most guys i know.

Pity he's taken already. Heeh...

Here's a slideshow of the evening.

And, i realized its kinda stress to shoot for another photographer. >.<"

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Knocked out

Phew...the schedule for this ICT is really packed up to the extent that I've not even visited the camp's canteen for a coffee break so far.

Here's one from Lai Kuan and Hee Voon's wedding and I'm off to bed. The super early book in timings this ICT reminds me the days of shooting back to back weddings....

Yong How

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tiande & Jasmine

Tiande & Jasmine had a simple ROM at Amara Hotel 2 weeks ago. It was the most bubbly wedding i ever shot. Bubbles all over. :)

And somehow somewhat, Jasmine was so kind to me and she keep reminding me to eat. :)

I hope they like the pictures. :)

I am definitely looking forward to their AD wedding next year.

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)


Chuian Feng had been 'complaining' that I tend to have have quite a bit of images of kids for each wedding. Something that I have to agree and won't stop doing. Somehow it's hard to resist taking some shots of these little ones doing their own stuff in a venue full of adults.

Here's one more from Yongyi and Daphne's wedding that I like before I head to bed.

Singapore will be a safer place for the next 2 weeks as Yong How will be serving the SAF liability during a popular wedding month. :)

Yong How

Sunday, September 14, 2008

On In Camp Training


I will be on ICT for the next 2 weeks (my deferment attempts failed as they mentioned that I am 'indispensible').

Apologies that I will be replying to your enquiries slower than usual. However, do sms/call me if you have any urgent matters alright. Do assist to leave your name if you do sms as my low tech 1.5G non-camera phone will be having an empty phone list. =p

You may also contact my partner, Chuian Feng for package enquiries too.

Thanks alot and have a great week!

Yong How

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ricky & Lieying Pre-Wedding

When we first met them, they told us that they wanted "weeeeeee" as their pre-wedding photos. We was like, "huh? weeeee?"

Only then later that we realized that the "Weeeeee" is the Nintendo Wii. They actually wanted us to shoot them playing Wii at their home as their pre-wedding photos. It was such an unique idea that we immediately agreed on it. Heeh...

So, we worked out some itinerary for the day shoot for them last month. We had great fun at the playground in the morning, some Wii in the late morning, boardgames after lunch, and a nice evening at Holland Village which ended with a superb steak dinner at Foster and desert at Hagaan Daz . (Heeh, steak again. :p)

Here're some photos to share. :)

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Qamar & Ora

Qamar & Ora engaged both me and YongHow to shoot their casual wedding dinner last month. We had this rare chance to shoot a few photos in the parliament house, where our ministers held their important meetings. :)

Prior to that, they had their Nikkah in May. I was at Ora(bride) side and YongHow was at Qamar's(groom) house shooting the getting ready. And after that, Qamar came and pick Ora up and went to his house for the Nikkah.

Oh, and I still remember how good the auntie cakes were at the Nikkah. :p

Here's a simple slideshow i put together for them.

Wish you guys all the best!

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Windows Experience

My boy's first touch with technology...

12am and he's still active. I hope it won't be a rough night again...

Wishing everyone a good week ahead! :)

Yong How

Lai Kuan and Hee Voon

Just back from Lai Kuan and Hee Voon's solumnisation ceremony at 1 Twenty Six at East Coast Park.

I always try to remind couples to enjoy themselves during their wedding no matter what. Today's ceremony is a good test of that for Lai Kuan and Hee Voon.

It began simply with a lots of mingling followed by the solumnisation ceremony. All changed after their 2nd march in and toasting session. It rained monster cats and dogs suddenly and everyone had to seek shelter. Some of us got pretty wet too. Also pity that 'A Little Dream' band has to stop playing too. Lai Kuan was feeling a little upset at first but I'm glad that everyone kept the spirits up shortly and continued to have fun under the shelters.

As a saying goes...'There is only wet weather and no bad weather'.

Thumbs up for everyone for the great spirits!

Now I just hope my wet camera can pull through the next few days of shoots before it can get a proper dry box treatment.

Ok, here are some of the images. :)

The toast seconds before the heavens open up

Wet lens effect =p

Congrats Lai Kuan and Hee Voon! Both of you are awesome! :)

Yong How

Friday, September 5, 2008

Wenbin and Yunhui Randoms

Some randoms before I head out for their dinner shoot...

Yong How

Thursday, September 4, 2008

14 September 2008, Free!!


For some reason, I am freed up on the hottest wedding date this year, 14 Sept 2008.

It's a pity that I've been rejecting tonnes of enquiries for this date for the past 1 year.

Anyway, in case anyone is still looking for a wedding photographer on this date, do drop me an email at yhtey@1950photography.com.

Otherwise, I'll just take the day off while all the other wedding photographers are working. Haha.

Yong How

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Vincent & Corrine

Vincent & Corrine's wedding is one that I've been looking forward to since they engaged me beginning of this year. Their wedding falls on the opening of the olympic day as well - 8th Aug 2008.

One of the reason why i looked forward to this wedding is because their ROM is held at the hotel where i got married myself - hyatt (feels so home to be there).

Secondly, the evening of their wedding is held at a very nice cosy place, at foster cafe, holland village. That means it will be very casual and relax, and no table to table shots. :)

Well, we liked the location so much that we went back to foster cafe recently again for another pre-wedding photoshoot with another couple. (Will blog about that soon)

Here's a slideshow that i've put together for them.

Oh, did i mention that the steak at foster is terrrrrrific? yum yum...

And thanks to YongHow for some assistance in the evening. :)

ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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