Friday, May 30, 2008

James & Esther Pre-wedding Part 2

As promised, here's part 2 of their pre-wedding.

2 more from the morning.

We really enjoyed our day together. Here's more random shots from the day shoot.

Pity it started to rain heavily in the afternoon. But lucky for us, the rain turn to some light drizzle in the evening, and we managed to have some nice shots. :)

Think both of them are quite tired by the end of the day.

Oh, and Thank to James, for the steak dinner. :)

ChuianFeng (

Charmaine and Zihan's wedding tomorrow

Will be covering Charmaine and Zihan's wedding tomorrow. I remember meeting them at Parkway Parade last year and we clicked well quickly. Zihan happened to be from the same secondary school as me and we could have rubbed shoulders before during our school days.

Hope all goes well for their big day tomorrow.

Here's one of them walking down the aisle during their rehearsal. :)

Yong How

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Feels so happy looking at this shot

It's been a challenging week for me as I have tonnes of images to edit, shoot a pre-wedding and also battle a fever for the past 2 days. Glad that the fever had subsided and I'm able to be more productive again.

It's a very hot season. Hope all couples can eat well, drink plenty and stay healthy especially before your wedding.

The most wonderful thing about wedding photography for me is to be able to capture the genuine emotions during a couple's important day.

Here's one simple snapshot from Ching Na and KK's wedding last week that brightens me up. I hope it helps to lift up your spirits in some way too.... :)

Yong How

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

James & Esther Pre-wedding Part 1

We shot James & Esther pre-wedding this morning. They are such a fun couple and would readily try on almost every crazy idea we proposed.

Here are just 3 shots from the morning shoot...

Got to go shoot their part 2 now. I hope its gonna be even better than what we got. Be back for more soon!

ChuianFeng (

Monday, May 26, 2008

What happens when church wedding sermons get too long...

Auntie behind: Psst! Look at my hubby snoring beside you. :D

Girl in front: heehee.

ChuianFeng (

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ching Na and Kai Kok

Back from Ching Na and Kai Kok's wedding.

I love their flow of wedding with all the great video footages being played at different time. They even made a slideshow of their parents' past to present.

Here are a couple of pics from the morning's interesting gate crash...

The groom party marches in

Toss the ang pow into the box to get the first challenge. Ang pow to be confiscated if it misses the box.

Sticking rice balls on the face

Toss again for next challenge

A game of Charade. The groom party actually cleared it without difficulty...

And a dance for love

And Kai Kok got his bride...
Congrats Ching Na and Kai Kok! :)

Had a good time working with Yow Siang of Big Day Studios. I think he did a fabulous videography job for Ching Na and Kai Kok too. Check out his morning highlights at:

Yong How

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Group Shot

One from this morning. Pretty simple but nice wedding. Off to their wedding dinner now. Will post more again....Meanwhile, wishing everyone a good weekend!

Yong How

Friday, May 23, 2008


My fingers got too quick and I've accidentally deleted 2 enquiry sms which I've not replied. Please assist to drop me a call/sms me again in case you have not received any sms reply from me alright.

Apologies again.

Wishing everyone a good weekend! :)

Yong How

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Going Green II

Part 2 installments of the photos. :)

And an unglam shot which we had a nice laugh with Yuqi...

ChuianFeng (

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Yong How

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Going Green

Yuqi, Seng Guan, CF and I went out for a simple outdoor casual shoot this morning. We've been trying to arrange this shoot since ages ago but it didn't work out due to the clashes of date. We've finally done it today. The weather also went our way by giving us pretty nice lighting for some shots.

Here's one that I personally like. Thank you Yuqi and Seng Guan for being sport enough to bash in the trees. :)

Yong How

Friday, May 16, 2008

One of My Favorite Wedding Photo

I took this shot 1 yr ago in Bali.

As the groom was walking out along the aisle after the exchange of vows, I can still remember him saying, "Oh... So this is how it feels like to get married.", while the bride was smiling from ear to ear. It was indeed a touching moment.

On another note, i will be going overseas on an assignment with this couple tomorrow and will only be back on Monday evening.

ChuianFeng (

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Edna and Daniel

Greetings everyone again!

I've been a very slow blogger lately as I was pretty swamped with work and also getting ready for my junior's coming in a couple months. Just to think that I've not done any shopping for the baby stuff till now. I'll be setting aside this sunday to do whatever shopping I can before the peak wedding season kicks in full swing. Apologies to the couples who had requested to meet up this sunday.

Had just finished processing Edna and Daniel's wedding images and thought I'll post some up too.

Daniel was my secondary school classmate. I recalled doing projects with Daniel and also went to gym with him during school days. However, we lost touch after we graduated. Somehow, I got to know Edna whom I bought investment plans from along the way. I'm glad and honoured to be able to document their wedding as Edna and Daniel were more fun than I expected. I'm also glad that I've managed to catch up a little with several secondary school classmates from the wedding as well.

Congrats Edna and Daniel again!

Here are a handful of images. :)

Yong How

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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