Friday, February 29, 2008

Pre-wedding Promotion

Dear all,

We are having a overseas pre-wedding promotion in apr to krabi.

Please contact me( for more information if you are interested. Limited to 2 couples only.

Thank you everyone for the wonderful support! :)


Tired but satisfied

Just done Donny and Joan's full day pre-wedding shoot with ChuianFeng today and had great fun. ChuianFeng will be posting some of the pics soon.

It's a very happening period with lots of appointments to catch, lots of images to process and also a number of weddings to cover. With my junior coming the way, the responsibility gets heavier. I'm pretty drained out sometimes but am happy to know that all our hard work is appreciated by our customers and friends.

Thank you everyone who has been so supportive of 1950 Photography through this challenging period of changes. That kept us going. Can't say more but...Thank You!!

Yong How

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pre-Wedding with James & Shirley

Here are a small handful of the photos taken over last weekend with James & Shirley.

This time round, we went to a few new different locations. Some of the places have the "overseas" pre-wedding shoot feel, even though its in Singapore.

Despite the wet and hazy weather, we still had alot of fun. :)

For couples who are interested in our pre-wedding packages, do feel free to email me at


Sunday, February 24, 2008

After a tiring day...

After a long day, we have finally finished shooting our 2nd pre-wedding. We were very tired, butI guess the results are sort of sastifying. :)

I will post some pre-wedding photos soon.

Meanwhile, here is one from yesterday.

The couple enjoying the photos during our dinner. :)

Thanks to the wonderful couple, James and Shirley for the dinner treat.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pre-Wedding: Behind The Scene

Ok, you have seen some of our shots for Yuqi and Shengyuan's pre wedding. Here's what was happening before one of the shots.

I was going through the shots that both CF and I have taken when I stumbled on this quirky image. Somehow I just like this one and of course, it won't end up in their album. :p

Click to enlarge

Yong How

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

More pre-wedding shots

Thank you everyone for all the encourgements. We will definitely push harder to deliever better photography standards for all of our couples.

Here are some more from Sat shoot.

Hope to do even better for this coming sat. :)



No Pictures!

Yong How

Monday, February 18, 2008

Boon Lee and Joey

Had the honour to document Boon Lee and Joey's wedding last week though it was a little challenging to get myself to shoot a full day wedding again after the new year break. I'm also very glad that Boon Lee and Joey gave me free play during the shoot as well such that I do not need to direct much of their wedding.

Congrats Boon Lee and Joey!

Here are a few pics of the day ceremony before I head out for more errands....

Yong How

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pre-wedding shoot

Finally, we did our first pre-wedding shoot. Thanks to Yuqi and Shengyuan for being such good sports to all our funny request.

Here are some of my fav shots from sat.

Hope you guys like the photos.

We will be doing our next pre-wedding shoot this sat with another couple. Please leave comments or feedback if you have any, we will certainly appreciate them and try our best to improve.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Pre-wedding location

Went recee with YongHow today for some pre-wedding location.
This is one of the many places we went today.

Yes, this place is in Singapore.

Will be shooting here on sat with a couple if the weather is good. :)


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wishing everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Here's to good health, good lobangs, good businesses, and good marriages to all the couple out there getting married this year.

Huat ah! :D


Joe and Shiyun

I had the privilege to document Joe and Shiyun's wedding 2 weeks back and it was really a fun one. It's also one wedding which I literally didn't give any directions and I can just shoot pretty unobstrusively through the whole day. Something that I enjoy most. Joe and Shiyun's family were also so fun to be around with.

Here's the express highlights of their fun wedding to share:
(Requires Windows Media Player and some patience while it downloads)

Also, I would like to represent 1950 Photography to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Yong How

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Small World

Back from shoot and worn out with a flu...

Finally get to shoot at One Rochester after these while. However, it wasn't the bride and groom who engaged me. My long time friend, Floni flew from Hong Kong to attend Junyuan and Huiyan's wedding and she wanted me to be there to help shoot for them though there's an official photographer already.

I had not spoken nor knew who the couple was till I was there. Much to my surprise, I found out from Junyuan that I've actually covered his brother's (Seng Guan and Yuqi)) ROM last October! I'll also be shooting Seng Guan and Yuqi's wedding later this year. I will also be seeing Yuqi at her friend's wedding this month and will also be shooting her pre wedding within this month too. That means we'll be meeting 3 times this month.

I was fighting a bad flu while shooting and it's a really big challenge to concentrate while fighting the running nose. The wet weather didn't make things easier too as it was a semi outdoor venue. Was still glad that I managed to pull it through.

Congrats Junyuan and Huiyan! Certainly a pleasure to be at your wedding though conditions were less than ideal. :)

Here are some pics...

A Little Dream was there to perform as well

Time to head for some rest....

Yong How

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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