Thursday, January 31, 2008

2007 Wrap Up

It's been a while since I've posted. There are lots of changes for me over the past weeks in the personal and work front. Though I do feel really burnt out at times, but it's been a very satisfying looking back at the weddings that I've done over the past quarter.

I took some time off to collate several random images of some of the weddings I've done recently to quickly make a slideshow. That wraps up the year 2007's work.
Certainly hope you'll enjoy the slideshow! ;)

Click here for slideshow

Thank you all the support many of you had given me in 2007. Hope for a even better 2008!

Yong How

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ronald and Grace Wedding

Shot this wedding about 1.5 mths ago. And i finally finished their coffeetable album design. Yay! Drop me an email if you would like to view the coffeetable design. :)

I have only posted some randoms of their morning shots here. Will post their evening shots at a later date when i cleared more of my backlogs.

They are a very nice and sweet couple. Really enjoyed their hospitality and the nice jap food that they treated me to. :p

And here are some highlights for the day.

ChuianFeng ( )

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

On Overdrive

It's really been a busy period and I'm still swarmed with lots of pics to post process. I apologise for the slow update here. Really hope to let as many couples to get their wedding images by Chinese New Year as possible.

Here's a quick one from Dawn and Tommy's wedding for now.
It's 3am and the night breeze is really nice and soothing here.... :)

Yong How

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Being Shot

Of late, I've caught quite a number of wedding guest pointing their camera to shoot me in action. I'll usually do the same to them but I've never got to see their version of the image as I usually just give a smile to the person and that's it.

Here, Yvonne is very helpful to hunt down the other version. Quickly post processed. Thanks Yvonne. :)
Yong How

Monday, January 14, 2008

Ronnie and Joleen Wedding

Its so fun to shoot Ronnie's and Joleen wedding last year dec. Their wedding is one of the most happening, with the most number of brothers and sisters i have seen till date.

Here are some of the day shots.

See, so many brothers.

And flooding up the corridor of the HDB.

Will post more soon!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jianming and Casey

Just back from a solumnisation shoot of Jianming and Casey. A very nice couple and their ceremony has lots of mingling. Enjoyed covering it very much.

Jianming and Casey's engagement ceremony has the most bottled beer I've seen for a solumnisation so far.
Quirky...A little time on their own
Early birds doing origami while waiting for the ceremony to start...
Kids and booze don't mix but I managed to get this last shot of the evening while heading for my bag which is just behind the kids. Just for fun... :)
Congrats Jianming and Casey!

Yong How

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sam and Jenny

It's been quite a while since I've posted. Like all other wedding photographers, it's been a roller coaster ride of wedding shoots and post processing of images in these few months. Pretty glad that I'm still relatively on time with the delivery of the images...burning so much midnight oil helps but I really do feel burnt out at times.

Dec 20 and 21 2007 are the toughest day for me last season as both weddings are back to back. The first wedding (Sam and Jenny's) was a typical full day wedding which ends around 11.30pm. The second wedding of Max and Sharon starts around 3+am the next day. Only caught 10min of sleep in between. Great thing is that both weddings were a joy to cover and that really kept me awake. One thing is...I won't pull such a stunt again.

Here are some pics from Sam and Jenny's wedding. :)

Alarmed by the sudden smoke surge during march-inHiding their laughter while watching the childhood pictures...
Yong How

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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