Thursday, November 29, 2007

Lui n Mandy Solumnisation

Just done Lui and Mandy's solumnisation a few hours back. Was backing up the photos and reviewing the pictures. Decided to just pick a few to post here before I knock off to bed.

Lui and Mandy's solumnisation was an extremely simple affair. No excessive decor, no rowdy guests...just a simple solumnisation and tea ceremony with dinner. Despite being simple, I can strongly feel the warmth among them and their family.

It's an honour to be part of your solumnisation Mr and Mrs Lui!

Just when everyone was expecting our little flower girl to serve the tea to Lui, she drank it!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Boy meets girl

Had to wait for 2 hours for the next shoot. Decided to spend a bit of quiet time by the Vivo City pool despite knowing there are tonnes of work to be done back home. Made a few shots there as well.

Here's one simple shot that I particularly like.

Tiring week. Time to catch some sleep....

Monday, November 26, 2007

Email Problem

My email server seems to be cranky on Sunday, 25 Nov. Some emails did not reach me and the replies I've sent did not get to the receipents. In case you had sent me an email on Sunday and I did not seem to respond, please assist to resend it to again.

Thanks alot and have a great week ahead! :)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Church wedding

Had a wonderful time covering a church wedding last week. Just to post a pic which I personally like before heading out again.

Sometimes church ceremonies can get a little too unexciting for kids. The ring bearer boy got a little restless here....

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sean and Terese AD

Just started processing Sean and Terese's AD pics.

I've covered Sean and Terese's ROM just a week before their AD. They are indeed a fun couple to work with. This round, I've covered it as a 2nd photographer along with Derrick. I must say it's a different challenge to shoot as a 2nd photographer when I have to find a different
perspective to shoot from.

Sean and Terese's dinner was held at Grand Shanghai. Incidentally, the last time I worked with Derrick, the wedding dinner was held there as well. Nice place and am glad that I get to shoot there again.

Here are some pics...One reason why I seldom suggest bouquet throwing lately. The ladies doesn't want to catch the bouquet! =p
Click to see larger image.Baby smiling for cameraSometimes the kids are attracted to a taller than usual photographer lurking among them...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Anthony and Emily

Just back from shooting the morning ceremony of Anthony and Emily. A very loud couple.

Some months after they signed with me, Emily realised that my sister is also her ex-colleague from a gathering with my sister.

They requested for an outdoor shoot in the morning and I decided to try something different this time. Glad that it worked quite well.

Here are 2 shots from the outdoor shoot before I leave to cover another wedding dinner. :)

Bride's cousins cum the papparazzi team
Thanks to the group of resting cyclists for this interesting shot! One of the cyclist happen to be my ex-client's brother! Small world...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Stephane and Angeline

It's been a hectic period and I know I've been very slow in updating my blog.

It was a blast covering Stephane and Angeline's ROM a while back. Angeline is bubbly while Stephane is cool....or rather what Angeline told me during our first meeting..."He act cool only lah".

The ceremony and lunch reception was simple and nice with lots of mingling among the guests.

Here are a couple of shots taken that day. Posting more shots from the outdoor shoot this time.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ah Boy again...

I think I'm really lagging in blogging recently. It's been a hectic period so far with things starting to pile up.

Anyway, here's a few pics of my hyper active nephew-in-law again to break the silence. I was rather busy and had not visited my in-laws for a while. Decided to pop by right after a solumnisation shoot last week. Here's the boy with his new toy....

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Limin and Bryan

Just finished processing Limin and Bryan's AD pics. Here are a handful from their wedding. Decided to post more monos this time round. ;)

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1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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