Michael & Sylvia
Photographer - ChuianFeng
After finishing a feat of 4 weddings in 3 days over the past weekend, here's Michael & Slyvia wedding morning photos which were covered in the midst of the shagness. Michael is also Cheetong's colleague, whom wedding i've shot few months ago.
And its such a small world that i also bumped into my neighbour which happen to be Slyvia's classmate in uni. Apparently, my dog xiaobai is more popular than anyone in my family. Even Slyvia's sister knew about my dog. *_*
Here's some randoms from that morning happenings. :)
All the sisters were admiring Slyvia beautifully done up nails. :p Michael's dance move is one of the most "robotic" i've ever seen. haha.
Is my xiaobai cute? :p
ChuianFeng (cf@1950photography.com)
I think Xiaobai is more notorious instead of famous. =p
Hahaha how come your xiaobai appear out of Michael's wedding photo :)
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