Photography: Yong How
Had a very happening start to my 2010 with Kris and Dave's wedding.
Though I personally don't fancy much on the gatecrash portion, I think today's one is very worth the mention. Finally, we have the guys not just overrunning the ladies but had subdued them almost completely during the gatecrash.
The guys did what the ladies had wanted them to do but they reciprocrated with something more.
I feel like a war photographer when shooting the session having to dodge missiles from the guns, ensuring my camera lens' safety from the snow spray, hiding from 'grenades' (timed poppers) and looking out for possibility of a popper popping into my ear.
Good job ladies but kudos to the guys for finally gaining a good point for once! Also credits to whoever who had cleared up the big mess after we left the house. =p
The ladies before mayhem starts to strike them

'Grenades' hidden in red packets

Firing at will

The guys side even have 'medics' to ensure that the groom remains in good shape

They got air horns to silence the ladies

2nd round of firing in the house after retrieving the rounds

Target subdued

Off to shoot their dinner soon. Hope everyone can keep their energy level high too. :)
Yong How