Thursday, July 30, 2009

Darren & Sandy Pre-wedding

Hello everyone.

Reaaaaaaaallllly sorry for the lack for updates from my side. Finally, i am able to sit down in front of my desktop to process some photos after a hectic week of pre-weddings. :)

I am also having some technical issues with blogger posting too. Not sure what is going on, but the "box" for me to write the blogpost just disappeared for a couple of days. Only managed to see it being "restored" back today.

Here's a few random photos from Darren & Sandy. No, this Darren is not our Darren. :)

We were blessed with good light. :)

I really love this beautiful portrait of Sandy. :)

Thanks to Darren for assisting me in the shoot as well.

I will be posting more actual day wedding photography next week too. :)

Have a great weekend.

ChuianFeng (

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Like this image from today's wedding shoot. :)

Yong How

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dominic and Priscilla

Photography: Yong How

I've been wanting to post the images from Dominic and Priscilla's wedding since I've shot for them some months back. With the super hectic period at that time, I've sat on it and literally forgot about it till today. Never too late to do it now. :)

It's an enjoyable wedding to cover. It started off with a church wedding followed by a lunch reception. I still remember that the kids were partying more than the adults that day when they are literally playing, running around and at times storm the stage while the emcee is speaking. Kids being kids indeed.

Dominic and Priscilla, hope you have been enjoying your married life although work has been tough on you.

Here are some images. Hope you'll like them. :)

More image can be found on our Facebook profile.

It ended with some TV gaming on Wii

Yong How

Friday, July 17, 2009

Eric & Samantha

Photographer - CF

So sorry for the lack of updates on my side. My reservist took away quite abit of my time. Finally i am getting back on track for the weddings backlog. :)

Eh, i am not going to say much this time, but will let the photos do the talking. My mind is quite blank now due to waking up early today to send my wife to work.

Here's some randoms from their wedding.

Bunch of happy sisters preparing "breakfast".

I think Sam looks very pretty here!

Looks like the breakfast isnt very appealing to the brothers. :p

The sisters were shouting that the angbao is not enough again...

Think Eric got "sian" about the bargaining and wanted to walk away...

I always love happy faces during ROM.

If you do not want to drink the horrible sabo drink, u can always pass it to the guest around. :D

This is what happens when u drink the sabo drink. So.. must pass around to other ppl ok? :p

Now everyone peeps into their drink before drinking it. haha... :p

Hope you guys like the photos!

Have a great weekend ahead.

ChuianFeng (

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello Kitty?

Sometimes I find joy in adding a little quirkiness into the set of wedding images...

Off to a shoot. Good evening everyone! :)

Yong How

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1950 @ Facebook

Good day everyone!

As some of you have known, we've been on Facebook for quite a while now. We thank you all of you who had been following us on Facebook as well.

Though this blog serves as a good platform for us to update you with some of our latest work, news and some random thoughts, Facebook does have it's advantage of allowing us to post more images easily thus letting our viewers have a better glimpse of our work.

With this, we would like to invite you to pop over to our Facebook Profile to check out some of the images which we will post exclusively on Facebook only.

We hope you will like our work there and if so, do add us in your list too alright.

You may CLICK HERE to link to our Facebook Profile.

See you there! :)

Yong How

Monday, July 13, 2009


Here's one image from Margareth and Henri's pre-wedding that I like.

It can get a little challenging to shoot differently at a relatively common photo spot...

Thanks to the nice weather, constant flow of evening joggers that day and CF for the lighting too. :)

Wishing everyone a good week ahead!

Yong How

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kid at 'work'

While having lunch with Bobby Leong, we were chatting about kids having DSLRs shooting wedding with us. Then I remember while shooting Chris and Hui Theng's wedding, I came across this small kid using camera phone. Seem like he knows when is the right time to shoot. Not once, but twice.

Darren (

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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