Friday, August 27, 2010

Back from Bintan

We are back from Bintan with bad sunburn. No sunblock could have prevented that. Haha.

Here's one of our favourites from the shoot to share. :)

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Photo by Yong How. Post production by Darren.

TGIF! Wishing everyone a good weekend. :)

Yong How

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Actual Day: Jason + Gwen

Photography - Darren

Jason & Gwen are both food lovers and we seem to talk more on food whenever we met. Jason love photography as well, and it's always a joy to talk about camera and photography stuffs with him. We seem to have alot in common, as I found out that we have a few common friends as well when I added them on my facebook.

Totally enjoyed myself, for a straight 10 hours.

Here's some randoms from their wedding.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Just look at how happy Gwen is. :p

Gwen checking on the web camera.

What is she laughing at?

A blank cheque for the Jie Meis.

One moment with stern faces.

The other moment with 'priceless' expressions.

Everyone seem to enjoy themselves.

Darren (

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jermone and Weiwei wedding

Photography - ChuianFeng

Had the oppourtunity to document this wonderful wedding. Jermone and Weiwei are fans of retro stuff. So, i've edited their photos to a more "old flim feel".

When i was passing them their photos, we chated and realized that in a 2 years time, we will be neighbours in the same estate as well! Woohoo!!

Here's some randoms from their wedding.

Weiwei's mum trying to control her emotion and dash out of the room after veiling.

A typewriter for guest to type their wishes. Cool!

I love the light in the church... Awesome.

Weiwei trying to compose herself during the solemnization.

And when praising God...

The lunch reception area turn into a dance floor where they had the first dance.

Guest trying to capture part of the action. :)

Jermone and Weiwei, thanks for having me at your wedding!


Out of the Little Red Dot


Darren and Yong How will be out of our island country to another island (Bintan) for the next 4 days for a shoot.

As internet access will be limited, we may not reply your emails as promptly. However for any urgent matters, you can contact ChuianFeng at 94561174 or

Thanks every one and wishing you a great week ahead! :)

Friday, August 20, 2010


Free Image Hosting at

Have a good weekend everyone!

Yong How

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Twilight in Ubin

Free Image Hosting at

Yong How

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy National Day Singapore

Photographer - ChuianFeng

Having shot Yang Loong and Joyce pre-wedding just last week, which was very near to national day, we manage to have a "quickie shoot" at the padang before chased out by the army guys. :p

Rising with the stars, Happy Birthday Singapore!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Sept Melbourne Pre-wedding photography

Dear all,

We are having a last minute Melbourne pre-wedding promotion during Sept 25/27.
Melbourne pre-wedding photography
- Beautifully hand crafted 24 page 15 by 12 inch premium album
- 3-4 outdoor locations
- includes transport during shoot

Drop us an email at for more details and an irresistible offer!


About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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