Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More snippets from Weiqiang & Shiyuan Perth Pre-wedding

Photographer - ChuianFeng

More photos from Perth! :D

Awesome sunlight. But we learn that its very hard to have falling leaves. So, Unker Yonghow had to throw the leaves while i prone on the grass to shoot this photo. Have to finish before the sunlight is gone too.

We borrowed the ballons from a kid nearly for this shot. Thankfully, we were able to finish the shoot before the kid start to cry. :p


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Melvin & Chervon

Photography: Darren

Had the honour to document Melvin and Chervon's big day. As Chervon is the younger sister of Uncle Tey, I was feeling pressured as well, but nevertheless, I had truly enjoyed myself.

Below are some photos for the whole day.

Melvin is all smiling while looking at the photos taken together with Chervon.

Relatives looking at 4D results... Not one,

not 2,

but 3.

Darren (darren@1950photography.com)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Jasmine and Yew Wah - Evening Reception

Photography by Yong How

Jasmine and Yew Wah's evening solumnisation and dinner reception was one that speaks simplicity yet with the elements that we photographers like. No packed schedule, lots of nice moments between loved ones and children having fun.

I did not get to meet Yew Wah till the wedding day itself. When Jasmine shared her wedding day plans with me, I was a little concerned that there'll be little for me to shoot if everyone is just sitting down and eating quietly. She assured me that there'll be lots of kids running around and they'll set the mood for the evening. Well, she's really right. Jasmine had also encouraged me to get more shots of the kids and goodness, I did end up with a record breaking high of kids:couple ratio of shots.

I've literally enjoyed myself through the evening.

Here are a handful of images to present that pleasant evening. :)

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More images on our Facebook Profile. :)

Wishing everyone a good week!

Yong How

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wedding of Shawn and Jacqueline

Photographer - ChuianFeng

So sorry for the lack of updates on Actual Day weddings.

However, we have been consistently updating our facebook page with lots of photos. Please join our facebook page if you havent done so. :)

Here's some morning snippets from Shawn and Jacqueline's wedding which i've covered a few weeks ago. :)
Jacqueline's mum helping out with the prepartion of the gatecrash.

I love the light here!


Can tell how horrible the "breakfast" really taste...

Shawn and gang of brothers dancing to the Barney song.

That plate on his hand nearly ended on my head. :p

An emotional mum giving Shawn a hug during tea ceremony.

The boy was suppose to serve them tea. But he decided to drink it instead. lol.

Will be posting their evening photos once i've finished with the editing. :)


About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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