Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tis the season to be Jolly

Hello everyone,

Its the festive season again!

And this year, WPJA gave me a christmas present by awarding me a little placing under their 2010 Q3 competition Lit portrait category. :)

Here's the photo that got the placing.

This photo was taken overseas, under the temperature of shivering cold 2 degrees, on top of Mount Wellington in Tasmania, in total darkness and hunger during mid autumn festival. Also, our car was running very low on petrol during that time. And if we switch off the car engine, it might not be able to ignite again due to the coldness. Not so romantic for a mid autumn festival afterall. :p

Liren had to use my small slave lighting to help lit up the couple and Teddy got to use the slave flash to light up the background environment. Talk about the perfect teamwork here. :)

Did i mentioned that this photo was also taken beside the mountain toilet? ^_^

Take a peek at our behind the scenes pictures in Tasmania:!/album.php?aid=292942&id=25100925798

Here's the link to WPJA website.

As we continue to push ourselves for better photography, we would really like to thank our wonderful couples whom place their trust in us during all sort of unforeseen conditions when we are overseas with them. :)

Wedding Photos Portal:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Koon Liang and Pei Yun Morning Highlights

3 hours of sleep, 13 hours of work, loads of fun. That's what I got today.

Despite having serious lack of sleep together with the incident of the missing make up artist in the morning, they took everything in great stride.

We started of by going to Peiyun's home in Johor in the wee hours and it followed by an interesting gatecrash then by simple tea ceremonies in both Johor and Singapore. The night was really a blast but I'll leave the images for later.

Here's the morning highlights for Koon Liang and Pei Yun's wedding.

Congrats again Koon Liang and Peiyun! :)

Sneak peek into their banquet. ;)
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Photography by Yong How

Yong How

Monday, December 20, 2010

Alger and Tabitha Morning Highlights

Playing around with Animoto again after a long time. Here're some captures of Alger and Tabitha's wedding day morning. :)

Photography by Yong How

Thursday, December 2, 2010

1950 Photography Christmas Promotion with Liren Neo!

Hellllllllllo everyone...

Thanks to everyone support, its been a very interesting wedding season at our side here! Just to share alittle, here's a photo of "Gundams" buying breakfast at Macdonalds as part of the gate crash.

We promise to share more once we have gotten over this wedding season. :)

People have also been asking us when is our next promotion coming up since our anniversary promotion. Well, here is it!

We are glad to announce this tie up christmas promotion with one of the renowned makeup consultant in Singapore! For any sign ups of both Liren Neo and 1950 Photography, we are pleased to offer the following perks.
1) for 1950 Photography
$200 additional credit for any albums OR additional hour of service
2) for Liren
Complimentary stay back change of image for 2nd march in worth $200.

On the following conditions
1) The couple must engage both 1950 Photography and Liren Neo for full day wedding package.
2) Promotion valid for month of December 2010 only
3) Not exchangeable for cash
4) This promotion is standalone as itself and not applicable or valid with other on-going promotions. (Birthday, overseas pre-wedding, etc)

Here's a little more info on Liren Neo from our recent interview with her.

Be amazed and look like a star on your wedding day. Do grab hold of this fantastic win-win promotion as there are limited slots!

Email quick to or

1950 Photography Team
Wedding Photos Portal:

* Terms and conditions applies.
* Promotion is subject to change without prior notice

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Melbourne and Paris Bridal Pre Wedding

1950 Photography would like to announce this fantastic Melbourne bridal pre-wedding photography and Paris bridal pre-wedding photography promotional package with renowned makeup artist consultant, Liren Neo.

Check out the links below for more info.
1) Melbourne bridal pre-wedding photography
2) Paris bridal pre-wedding photography

We have a special additional surprise bonus for early sign ups too!

Email quick to or for more details and portfolio.

Wedding Photos Portal:

* Terms and conditions applies.
* Promotion is subject to change without prior notice

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A recent pre-wedding photoshoot from Perth - ChuianFeng

Hi Folks,

Sorry for the lack of updates on my side as i was traveling overseas (Perth x 2, Melbourne and Tasmania) in Sept for some incredible and exciting pre-wedding shoot adventures! Will be sharing the adventures in our wedding photos portal ( soon. :)

Specially uploaded this, as today (20th Oct 2010) is Eugene and Christine's ROM date. :)

Thank you guys, for the wonderful time and trust you had in us during our recent Perth pre-wedding shoot!

Makeup and styling by
Thanks to Unker YongHow for assisting too.

Heading off to cover their ROM soon. :)

P.S. If you guys would want to join in our overseas pre-wedding adventures next year, feel free to drop us an email! Already had some awesome ideas in mind! :)


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Simple Joy

Love the simplicity and the pure joy in this image. Nothing too fancy but somehow I just feel happy looking at it. Hope you'll feel the same way too. :)

Congrats David and Pearlyn again. Really a joy to shoot for you. :)

Free Image Hosting at

Yong How

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Of Babies and Bugs

Little Hugo :)

Free Image Hosting at

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What I was up to last weekend

Baby photography for 2 babies. A refreshing change.

Very glad that many of our friends and past couples are being parents already. Some are even proud parents of 2-3 children *salute*.

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Cheers to the parents! :)

Yong How

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1950 Photography turns FIVE!

1950 Photography turns five this month!

Our humble beginnings
It’s been a long way since 1950 Photography began its infant steps half a decade back, run only by Yong How alone. The candid and uncontrived wedding photography style of 1950 Photography was well liked by many couples and things took off from there. Chuian Feng and Darren joined 1950 Photography some time later and added new dimensions into our photography as we worked to reform 1950 Photography into a ‘team’. Working as a team, we managed to leverage on each other’s fortes and grew further together.

We always believe that the passion to improve our work is the key in order to sustain and grow 1950 Photography. This can be a challenge at times of adversity and challenges and we had been able to pick ourselves up and strive ahead.

All these are not possible without the support of all the couples whom we had the honour to document their weddings over the past years. The trust they have on our photography and the friendships we have built along the way are invaluable. We are also very fortunate to have good people who are always willing to offer their useful advice which enabled us to overcome obstacles and to grow 1950 Photography for the better.

Wedding photos - Where your memories Stay ( )
As we document weddings over the past years, we had managed to gather experiences and thoughts on wedding photography and what couples can do to enable us to produce better wedding photos for them.

With this, we decided to start a new project ( to share these information with couples who are planning their wedding. On top of that, you can also look forward to having some of the experienced people in the wedding industry to share their experiences and advice with everyone as well. We certainly hope that couples or even wedding industry professionals can greatly benefit from the information in wedding photos as we propel this project into the future.

5 yr Anniversary Special Promotion!*
It’s our birthday month and it is definitely not going to pass in a ho-hum manner this time. We would like you to benefit from it as well if you are looking for great wedding photography. We are going to offer a great irresistible full wedding day photography package which includes a free upgrade to a premium album for the first 3 couples (for each photographer). Do check out more details with us at
*Terms and conditions applies

From left to right: YongHow, Darren, Liren(Our fav makeup artist), ChuianFeng

Once again, the 1950 Photography team would like to thank all of you for all the love, support and even constructive criticism over the years.

Thank you and we love to continue to create great works for your wedding or even parenthood!

The 1950 Photography Team (


Friday, August 27, 2010

Back from Bintan

We are back from Bintan with bad sunburn. No sunblock could have prevented that. Haha.

Here's one of our favourites from the shoot to share. :)

Free Image Hosting at
Photo by Yong How. Post production by Darren.

TGIF! Wishing everyone a good weekend. :)

Yong How

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Actual Day: Jason + Gwen

Photography - Darren

Jason & Gwen are both food lovers and we seem to talk more on food whenever we met. Jason love photography as well, and it's always a joy to talk about camera and photography stuffs with him. We seem to have alot in common, as I found out that we have a few common friends as well when I added them on my facebook.

Totally enjoyed myself, for a straight 10 hours.

Here's some randoms from their wedding.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Just look at how happy Gwen is. :p

Gwen checking on the web camera.

What is she laughing at?

A blank cheque for the Jie Meis.

One moment with stern faces.

The other moment with 'priceless' expressions.

Everyone seem to enjoy themselves.

Darren (

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jermone and Weiwei wedding

Photography - ChuianFeng

Had the oppourtunity to document this wonderful wedding. Jermone and Weiwei are fans of retro stuff. So, i've edited their photos to a more "old flim feel".

When i was passing them their photos, we chated and realized that in a 2 years time, we will be neighbours in the same estate as well! Woohoo!!

Here's some randoms from their wedding.

Weiwei's mum trying to control her emotion and dash out of the room after veiling.

A typewriter for guest to type their wishes. Cool!

I love the light in the church... Awesome.

Weiwei trying to compose herself during the solemnization.

And when praising God...

The lunch reception area turn into a dance floor where they had the first dance.

Guest trying to capture part of the action. :)

Jermone and Weiwei, thanks for having me at your wedding!


Out of the Little Red Dot


Darren and Yong How will be out of our island country to another island (Bintan) for the next 4 days for a shoot.

As internet access will be limited, we may not reply your emails as promptly. However for any urgent matters, you can contact ChuianFeng at 94561174 or

Thanks every one and wishing you a great week ahead! :)

Friday, August 20, 2010


Free Image Hosting at

Have a good weekend everyone!

Yong How

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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