Wednesday, July 30, 2008

One messy make up shot

This is what we can get when there are 2 photographers and 1 videographer shooting a makeup session in the washroom with mirrors all around. I should have captured one shot of all 3 of us cramming in different corners to get out of each other's view.

Anyway, I kind of like this shot even though it's kind of messed up. Haha.

Yong How

Monday, July 28, 2008

Random again

Finally caught up on the schedule to clear the backlogs. It's a great relief since the past week has been very challenging.

Here're some random shots from Debby and Johnathon's 2 day ceremony...will post more when I'm back in office.

I like to look for such shots when ceremonies are a little longer than expected.

Despite us adopting unobstrusive shooting style, we'll do posed shots upon request too. Thanks CF for helping with the lights.

In the midst of the outdoor shoot, our Chinooks n Apaches decided to do a national flag flypass. Johnathon scanned the sky for the aircrafts. *Look behind you, Johnathan! =p*

Yong How

Friday, July 25, 2008

Big star junior

YongHow's junior is now a big star! Check these out. :)

Photos from

Heeh... :p

ChuianFeng (

Infant Abuse - Not

No worries. We didn't abuse him. He's a little playful at the moment and we thought of just poking him a little....and this is what we got.

So sorry for the lack of blog updates from me lately. Life really changes after he came along and I'm trying hard to adjust to my new addition. Being a new daddy is really tough but fulfilling to speak.

I've actually lost a few man days to process images as he's been keeping me awake at night even though we have a confinement lady who's helping up. Guess it's bad being a light sleeper.

Meanwhile, it's back to lots of image processing again. Lily and Weida, hang in there, your images are almost ready. :)

Also, thank you for all the well wishes from fellow friends and couples over the past week! ;)

Will post more wedding pics soon.

Yong How

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

WingFai & Wendy

When i first met Wendy, i think she really look like my cousin. As we got to know each other better, the more i feel that she resembles my cousin. The feeling is so strong that i almost wanted to call her by my cousin's name. :p

Just over the recent weekend, they had a wonderful and sweet ROM. Pity it rained and we had to move indoors for the event. But luckily, we still managed to get some outdoor shots. And one of the reason why i enjoyed their wedding is because WingFai really fed me very well. Heeh... :)

Here's a simple slideshow of the day event.

And i wish WingFai all the best in pursuing his career in states!

ChuianFeng (

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Just quickly post one of the first pics I've taken for my little newborn boy. Good thing my wife brought her humble compact camera along. Still gonna wake up early tomorrow to cover a wedding. It'll be fun and tiring....

Here's a loud one. :)

Yong How

Friday, July 18, 2008

Lynette and Chris

Posting from the delivering ward. It's going to be a pretty long wait for junior to come....

Lynette and Chris's wedding is one simple yet sweet. No gate crash, no jie meis, and no commuting around from place to place. Chris just need to pick Lynette from her home and off to hotel they went.

Thanks to CF who was there to help in the shoot as well.

Not in the best of situation to speak much. Here's a slideshow that I've quickly done over the past hour to kill some time when wife was resting.

Chris and Lynette. Hope you like it. :)

*Updates - Uncle Tey's Junior is now out! Congrats! Now he is officially an uncle. Heeh... Well, back to this wedding.. must really thank Lynette and Chris for being such natural candids. They sure made our job easier! (CF)

Yong How & CF

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ray & Kathryn AD

Ray & Kathryn wedding started off with the perfect weather in the morning. But halfway during the solomnization ceremony at Rasa Sentosa, it rained!

Luckily, the wet weather didnt dampen the spirits of everyone. :)

Click on the picture to view the slideshow.

ChuianFeng (

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sometimes seeing images like this one makes me feel less stressful. Laughter is the best medicine....whether you are the one laughing or not.

Have a nice day! ;)

Yong How

Saturday, July 12, 2008


A cliche pose, but can’t help it - i love the light!

ChuianFeng (

Friday, July 11, 2008

Burning 100 calories in a minute

Was running backwards for a good length of the basement carpark to get this shot. Was panting when the guys finally completed their mission to carry our dear groom to level 1. Oh man, I think age is catching up on me....

Yong How

James and Pauline Dinner

CF and I finally finished processing James and Pauline's images a couple of days back.

We had posted their morning highlights some time back at:

After shooting so many local wedding dinners in our local hotel ballrooms, it's a different experience when we covered James and Pauline's wedding dinner at a restaurant over at Kulai. I've heard about weddings in Malaysia with lots of singing and it's my first time experiencing it. Though not as lavish when compared to most dinner in hotel ballrooms, it's still great to be shooting for an awesome couple like James and Pauline. Usually, it's the people that makes the wedding special I feel.

James and Pauline. Thanks for being such a great host to us during your wedding! ;)

Yong How

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Charmaine and Zihan - Synthesis of Love

Had covered Charmaine and Zihan's wedding a few weeks back. I remember that we clicked pretty well on our first meeting at Parkway Parade months back and found out that both of them are chemist.

They have shared their wedding plans with me and one thing that struck me was that they'll be singing quite a bit during their wedding. Zihan sang on stage while Charmaine marches in. They've done it again with a song of 'Shower me with your love' soon after too with Zihan playing the organ.

Somehow I can feel the love between them with the little things that they do for each other through the day.

Here's some random pics from the wedding.

Pole Dance

The guys have no problem with the triple chocolate cake with wasabi (wasabi tri-chocoride)

Wishing both of you a blissful marriage. You are a great couple to be with! ;)

Yong How

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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