Monday, April 28, 2008

Thom & Kiran's wedding

Its a blast covering Thom & Kiran's wedding on Saturday. Both me and Yonghow had an awesome time covering their wedding.

Well, i shall type less and show a small handful of the photos taken by both of us. :)

Getting ready...

I love the look of Thom's mom in this photo. Absolutely proud of her son. :)

At the reception...

Before the ceremony...

During the ceremony...

This is the moment when they exchange vows. I was touched by Kiran's love expression to Thom in this photo.

The signing of the papers...

And the toast...

This is Thom's childhood friend. They have made a pact when they were 7-8 yrs old to be each other wedding witness when they got married. 30 years later, it happened.

Since we have some time, we decided to have a portrait session.

The dance in-front of ACM

Before the wedding dinner starts...

At the wedding dinner, speeches were made, toasts were cheers, hearts were touched, souls were moved, moments were captured...

But first of all, an exciting performance by the bangla band

And they got a "i have no idea whats going on" Thom to join in the dance too.

Shortly after, the throwing of the flowers bouquet.

And she got it! I just love the expression of joy on her face.

Yummmmmm Seng!

And here are some more random photos for the evening...

Guest trying to get a part of the action...

The "Thank you" speech.

Their first dance...

Followed by dancemania

A moment caught my eye while the guest are dancing away in the ballroom. Its the touching moment of Kiran's grandmother hugging her and Kiran's mom hugging Thom.

Daughter-in-law and Father-in-law seeing eye to eye. :p

Last but not least, i got this pic of Yonghow shooting me shooting again. :p

Hope you guys enjoyed the photos!

ChuianFeng (


Look Pa!

Yong How

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kiran's Henna

Had the honor of shooting Kiran's Henna a moment ago. Its an intimate session with a few friends and some nice food. Its kinda refreshing to shoot something different from chinese weddings once in a while.

Uncle Tey Yong How asked me to post some of the photos which i shot just now, and here they are. :)

Here's the painting of the Henna.

The groom's name is Thom.

Kiren's mum friend having a little dance after her turn at the painting.

The 2 moms together. I kinda like inter-cultural exchanges. :)

Yay, its done!

Their wedding will be held on this Sat and i am certainly looking forward to it.

ChuianFeng (

Chee Meng and Huimin

Greetings everyone!

It's been a long while since I've posted more images. Much apologies for the slow update as I've been pretty bogged down by work and some personal commitments over the past weeks. It's still great to be able to meet many nice couples over the past weeks. Thank you so much for the encouragements that helped me go through this tough period positively! :)

Here's a small set of random morning images taken on Chee Meng and Huimin's wedding last month. Somehow I like their gate crash session with more intellectual games than physical ones though it's a little tougher to shoot with less action going on.

Congrats Chee Meng and Huimin. Hope your super long honeymoon is great!

Hope you'll like them as well. :)

Guessing the thumbprints...
While others were busy tackling the quiz...
A wrong answer results in a fatal kiss from a beloved pet
The key is in the ice

Yong How

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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