Monday, March 31, 2008

Slower Responses

Due to some personal matters, I might not be reply as promptly as before till probably next week.

Apologies if I did not get to reply you on the same day. I'll do my best to reply as soon as possible. I am still reachable via SMS if there are urgent matters though.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yong How

Friday, March 28, 2008

So in love with you...

Got the shot of this cute little boy at a recent AD. He is holding on so dear to his oranges while waiting for the bridal car. Don't you just love his expression. :)

P.S. On 2nd thought, maybe he wants to eat the oranges?

ChuianFeng (

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Adi and Adam

Finally getting a breather here after finishing all the urgent backlogs. April will also be an easier month with less weddings to cover and I'm really looking forward to that.

Had covered Adi and Adam's solumnisation few weeks back and it was such a nice ceremony to shoot. Everyone at the ceremony are really having fun. M Hotel's J Bar has great lighting too. Also, it was great to be able to chill out there after the shoot while enjoying the salads and soup.

Congrats Adi and Adam. Here are some images...

Hope you've enjoyed this upsized post of images.

Yong How

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

If we were Ah Bengs...

*This post is rated NC16*

How would our blog entries sound like if were Ah Bengs...

Check out and enter our blog address.

Try these out on other sites too. A good laugh after a stressful day. :)

PS: No offence with all the vulgar stuff. Just laugh it off yeah.

Yong How

Friday, March 21, 2008

Change your life with a fabulous smile...

Not sure if this tickles anyone. Somehow I like this quirky one...

Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Yong How

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Behind the scene

*Credit to Uncle YongHow for shooting me shooting.

P.S. The black and white better or the color better?

ChuianFeng (

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Random II

ChuianFeng (

Monday, March 17, 2008


ChuianFeng (

Email Resumed

Hi everyone.

Looks like our email server is back and running again. Please send emails to our regular email addresses, or alright.

I have also replied all the emails and in case you did not get my reply, please help to resend your email again.

Apologies for the inconvenience again.

Yong How

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Email Down

Hi everyone.

Apologies that there is a problem with our email server. We are unable to send/receive any emails at the moment.

Please bear with us while we try to get our web host to solve this problem. We will be replying all enquiries tomorrow (Monday).

If we did not reply to your emails by monday evening, please assist to resend it again.

Please email to our temp email address at for now.

Thanks alot and sorry for the inconvenience.

Yong How

Joyce and Fabian

Had the privilege to document Joyce and Fabian's wedding today. The whole gang were a fun bunch and it was a great wedding to shoot.

Backing up the images taken today so perhaps I'll just post a few while the backup is in progress.

Congrats to you Joyce and Fabian! :)

There are much more pics which i like. Think I'll post again after processing it in a couple of weeks. Dead tired. Got to head to bed...

Yong How

Friday, March 14, 2008

Weisheng & Claren's Wedding

Its been a rainy week and i think i got abit of rheumatism as my knee aches abit during the past few days. As Uncle YongHow always says, its a sign of age catching up once you become a wedding photographer. *_*"

Well, that aside... I had the oppourtunity to cover Weisheng & Claren's wedding last weekend. They are such a sweet couple and i wish them all the fun in their honeymoon. Dont worry, your photos will be ready when you are back! :)

Meanwhile, here are a few random photos from the day time. I havent gone thru the night pictures yet, but will try to do so soon!

Guess I better stop here, or the images will slow down the loading of the blog.

ChuianFeng (

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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