Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Videography with Hwee Studios


I am very pleased to announce that 1950 Photography has collaborated with Hwee Studios to provide videography services as well.

There is a joint promotion whereby $200 will be waived off from the combined price of photography and videography packages (Applicable to Actual Day Weddings only)).

Do visit www.hweestudios.com for more details on Hwee Studios' package and work.

Yong How

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bryan and Limin AD

Busy weekend fo me. One from yesterday's wedding for the time being. :)

Friday, October 26, 2007


I've got several requests to view pictures from a full weddings lately. Though I will be able to do that when I meet up with the couples, it can still take up quite some time to view through all the full sets of wedding pictures. Not a good thing on busier days.

I hope this slideshow of Ed and YY's wedding done a while back can ease this issue a little at least. It takes a while to load though...so go make some coffee while waiting. ;)

Copy and paste this link to view slideshow:

Hope you like it. :)

Friday, October 19, 2007


Was clearing my harddisk to free up more space for the upcoming weddings and came across these pics which I've taken of my nephew-in-law (wife's brother's son if you don't get what I mean).

My brother in law went for his in camp training for a few days and I'm tasked to take care of his boy for a day. I'm glad that I managed to tone this hyper-active boy down to abide to everything I say. Maybe I'll do babysitting if I decide not to be a photographer.

Here are a few pics taken during my time with him...

At McDonalds

Tongue on nose?
Boy's little attempts to pose for camera

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Seng Guan and Yuk Kei

Seng Guan and Yuk Kei engaged my services just a week before their ROM. They are one of those couples whom we can hit off almost immediately. Yuk Kei told me that Seng Guan loves sunsets so they hope to do a quick portrait session at Changi Boardwalk just before their ceremony. We hope for good weather and Seng Guan said that he had indented the sun for that day.

The afternoon was gloomy with a dark sky. It remained cloudy till just an hour before we head out for the outdoor shoot. The sun was shining bright and the sky was clear. Looks like we've got lucky!

The ceremony and buffet dinner was a simple event. However, we've got their gang of friends who kept the fun going.

Congrats Seng Guan and Yuk Kei! :)

Ok, less talk, more pics....

'Just Married' Signage as a gift
Dr Phua is one of the most patient and entertaining JP. Waiting patiently for the ceremony to start.
Not one of the guests for sure
March in
Seng Guan proudly shows off his prize...I mean marriage cert
Reception beginsLadies are interested with diamond rings...
...Sometimes guys too
Loosening up after party

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Shyun Der & Linda (Part 2)

Just finished the handful of shots taken during Shyun Der and Linda's evening preparation session.

Sharing a couple of them. :)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Scammed and stood up

Ok, here's a non wedding related post. A little ranting coming along...

Not sure what luck got into me yesterday. First, I was stood up (aka flown aeroplane) by a customer. Next I received a scamming lucky draw call which was so professionally 'setup' till the last part when things go too fishy.

For the stand up, I'm not too angry though I had to rush in between appointments and took a cab down to the agreed meeting place. Waited for 1.5hr before leaving. My calls and SMSes were not answered. Rather dissapointed with how much respect we get sometimes. On the other hand, I still give the benefit of doubt that there was a miscommunication between me and client. Hope she calls me again on this.

For the lucky draw thing. The scammers sure set the whole thing up pretty professionally and I was lead on for a while. I knew it's time to stop when they started to ask me to transfer $3.5k to their account. Wasted about 2hrs to 'research' on such scamming schemes. Maybe I'll just link you to this blog for more details.

The website quoted by the scammer is http://www.hkjb3c.com. A little too 'professionally done' for a company of it's 'calibre' I think. Haha.

So if you are reading this....beware of such a scam.

Anyway, my spirits are still high despite all these. :)

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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