Thursday, August 30, 2007

Love and Life

Just received this email this morning with the above mentioned subject. I strongly agree with it's contents. I have come across couples who quarrelled due to reasons like guy not buying flowers for the lady or the celebration wasn't spectacular enough for their anniversary. Makes me wonder how some people see love sometimes. Nothing against ladies on this though.

Anyway, here are the contents of the email to share. Hopefully it can be useful for couples reading this. Do feel free to agree/disagree or post your opinions here.

This story tells us something about..... LOVE & LIFE.

My husband is an engineer by profession,
I love him for his steady nature and..
I love the warm feeling when I lean against his broad shoulders.

Two years of courtship and now, five years into marriage,
I would have to admit, that I am getting tired of it. The reasons of
me loving him before, has now transformed into the cause of all
my restlessness.

I am a sentimental woman and extremely sensitive when it
comes to a relationship and my feelings. I yearn for the romantic
moments, like a little girl yearning for candy.

My husband is my complete opposite; his lack of sensitivity,
and the inability of bringing romantic moments into our marriage
has disheartened me about LOVE.

One day, I finally decided to tell him my decision, that I wanted a

"Why?" he asked, shocked.

"I am tired. There is no reason for everything in the world!"
I answered.

He kept silent the whole night, seemingly in deep thought.
My feeling of disappointment only increased.

Here was a man who was not able to even express his predicament,
so what else could I expect from him?

And finally he asked me: "What can I do to change your mind?"

Somebody said it right... It's hard to change a person's personality,
and I guess, I have started losing faith in him.

Looking deep into his eyes I slowly answered: "Here is the question....
If you can answer and convince my heart, I will change my mind."

Let's say; I want a flower located on the face of a mountain cliff,
and we both are sure that picking the flower will cause your death.
Will you do it for me?"

He said: "I will give you your answer tomorrow...."
My hopes just sank by listening to his response.

I woke up the next morning to find him gone, and saw a piece of
paper with his scratchy handwriting underneath a milk glass,
on the dining table near the front door , that goes....

"My dear,
I would not pick that flower for you, but....
please allow me to explain the reasons further....."

This first line was already breaking my heart. I continued reading.

"When you use the computer you always mess up the Software
programs, and you cry in front of the screen. I have to save my
fingers so that I can help to restore the programs. You always leave
the house keys behind, thus I have to save my legs to rush home to
open the door for you.

You love traveling but always lose your way in a new city. I have to save
my eyes to show you the way.

You always have the cramps whenever your "good friend" approaches
every month. I have to save my palms so that I can calm the cramps in
your tummy.

You like to stay indoors, and I worry that you will be infected by
infantile autism. I have to save my mouth to tell you jokes and
stories to cure your boredom.

You always stare! at the computer, and that will do nothing good for
your eyes. I have to save my eyes so that when we grow old, I can
help to clip your nails and help to remove those annoying white hairs.
So I can also hold your hand while strolling down the beach, as you
enjoy the sunshine and the beautiful sand...and tell you the colour
of flowers, just like the colour of the glow on your young face...

Thus, my dear, unless I am sure that there is someone who loves
you more than I do... I could not pick that flower yet, and die ... "

My tears fell on the letter, and blurred the ink of his handwriting...
and as I continue on reading... "Now, that you have finished reading
my answer, and if you are satisfied, please open the front door for I am
standing outside bringing your favorite bread and fresh milk..."

I rushed to pull open the door, and saw his anxious face, clutching
tightly with his hands, the milk bottle and loaf of bread....!

Now I am very sure that no one will ever love me as much as
he does, and I have decided to leave the flower alone...

That's LIFE, and LOVE.
When one is surrounded by love,
the feeling of excitement fades away, and one tends
to ignore the true love that lies in between the peace and

Love shows up in all forms;
even in very small and cheeky forms.
It has never been a model.
It could be the dullest and most boring form ...

Flowers, and romantic moments are only used and appear
on the surface of the relationship.
Under all this, the pillar of true love stands...

The happiest people in the world...
are not those who have no problems,
but those who learn to live with things that are
less than perfect.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Family Day @ Sentosa

The weather these 2 days was really crazy. Sunshine, stormy, drizzle, stormy, sunshine, drizzle...blah. My plans to run some errands didn't seem to work out as I can't possibly carry albums and other stuff in the rain. Ok, enough ranting...

Finally finished post processing the pictures of the family day last weekend. The weather that day was superb. Sunny and breezy. Though was shooting under the sun most of the time, I didn't feel that hot except for getting a slightly darker skin.

Here are some of the pics I like from this event.

The Walk-a-Jog (Young, Old and Less-Abled took part)

Telematches (Age is not stopping anyone)

'Cheer Leaders'

4-Way Tug-Of-War

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

1st September 2007

Yes! 1st Sept 2007 will be a special day for 1950 Photography. Why? will be getting a new look hopefully on 1st September. I'm really looking forward to the launch of the new website as this site will be having a more generous gallery and a cleaner layout. My web designer, CF have been doing a great job and have been very reassuring that the site will be ready in time. Thanks for putting up with my many ' gentle demands' to fine tune the design!

I have decided to advertise on as well. 1950 Photography will be listed in Singapore Brides from 1st September onwards.

Also as of 1st September, 1950 Photography will be a legal business entity as I have finally registered it as a company.

Last but not least, there will be some adjustments in the packages as well. Enquiring couples whose wedding falls after march will be quoted with the new package. Enquiries on wedding dates before march will still follow my current packages and prices.

September sure looks pretty exciting. Look forward to all your support and feedback! :)

Ladies in Red

It's been a while since I've posted. It's a good break and had only been taking up a few non wedding related shoots this month. Couldn't post pictures from most of the shoots though.

Here's one from last weekend family day shoot at sentosa. A simple image but I like the contrast and the ladies.... ;)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Yes! We have moved!


Welcome to this new blog. As some have noticed, I have moved over to from Had loved the ease of sharing images at fotopages but the access is kinda choppy there. So I hope blogger will keep up with their decent performance.

The old blog will still remain in (Copy and Paste Link)

Meanwhile, enjoy your read here. Will post more stuff along the way.

Tey Yong How

About Us

1950 Photography seeks to capture your wedding day in the least obstrusive manner so that the images will show the genuine love, fun and emotions of your big day.

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